Don't fall for it
Just read a lady's post on always giving, giving and giving and the minute you don't have to give those asking starts raining insults one become disrespectful.
I watched a reel from Tyler Perry, where he was interviewed and was speaking on money and giving. He said his first millions was spent sending to family, friends, trying to fix them and all and before he knew it, the money disappeared. The same with his second millions.
He had to take a break and spoke to himself, that he needed to self fix and stand on his feet before fixing others.
This right here is the truth!
It is only a man who is standing that can pull another person up.
Some people empty themselves, the minute their salary is entering it's all debit alert until it's finished
Some go into debts as well to satisfy family and friends, only to be turned on when you don't have to give.
I personally know aan who worked in the ACCOUNTANT GENERAL OFFICE of Nigerian.
He was the man running the office behind the curtains.
He was earning large, and his middle name was charity.
He was paying countless school fees for so many persons, sending money was at the tap of buttons and he was nicknamed 'Father Abraham's.
He finally retired and had no single block to his name.
All those people who used to haul him have disappeared and you know how Nigerian government is with pension.
If you see him today, you'd never believe he was once that influencial man who's house was always filled with people.
No go kill yourself for anybody oh.
Bible advocates we love others AS WE LOVE OURSELVES
Don't ever believe people won't survive without you.!!!
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