Everyone is important!

Sometimes we take things for granted because it's always there in front of us.
If I'm to rephrase that sentence, I'd say, we don't really notice how integral something or someone is until they are absent for a minute.

Hubby almost blew my phone up with calls today.
He had to babysit them all week cos I got a job that required me coming home pretty late at night
Today seemed to be the height of everything.
Unfortunately, I wasn't even available to take his calls.
By the time I got home, father and children almost ate me up and all he kept asking was 'How do you do it? How do you manage the kids?'

Well the same question applied to him oh
Hubby works so so hard.
At a point he was working in about four places just to bring home more money.
One job, and see me like somebody that was panel beaten.

Every role is important
Everyone is important: parents, teachers, helps, siblings, friends, neighbours, minders...
Do not take anyone for granted
They just might be filling shoes you'd struggle to fit in


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