I've grew up in some ways to be like my Dad, very logical, thinking everything through, weighing options and opinions to take make a move. I always believed you should have a level head about things, be rational and keep emotions aside.
Then life began to happen and as time passed, I'd look back at a decision and say 'But my mind told me oh
Over and over again it happened until I carefully began to observe it.

God in his infinite wisdom, mercy and love, put that prompting in the hearts of men. Christians call it the 'Holyspirit', others have their names for it, but in all, God put it there for a purpose; to guide us, to direct us, to shield us, to lead and protect us. However, many of us aren't listening.
We're too loud and busy that even when that little voice speaks to our mind, we don't hear or we totally pay no mind to it until we hit rock bottom.

Just like earthly parents would, God's voice is always speaking, to save us from those harmful situations, to make our ways easier, to lead us aright and make sure we don't fall.
The thing is, 'Are you listening?'.

Care to share an experience of when that voice saved you?


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