If men were God!
The beautiful thing about God is that he's loving, kind and merciful and he sees things we don't.

In our pursuit to relocate we saw different shades of people who were really enemies in the clothes of friendship.
Two tried duping us with fake jobs
Another got us into selling some of our properties for peanuts in the guise of meeting a deadline for payment without knowing he was simply unhappy towards us.
Somehow, inspite of our best efforts, everything we did to relocate to the country were these people were all failed.

We decided to try for another European country and everything clicked without any hitch.
It was indeed a miracle.
We finally relocated and then these friends started spreading crazy and surprising rumours about us.
How were we to know what God was delivering us from?

Sometimes you may be feeling bad that things are not going as planned, you want to join 'friends' to do AB and C, without knowing that those failures are blessings in disguise.
These set of people we called friends were people we went over and above for. Risked life, spent money and time...
Not everybody smiling is your friend oh.
If it's not working, take a step back and reconsider, you just might see the handwriting on the wall.

Today we're thankful to God that all of our previous plans failed.


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