Upon our arrival abroad, we had to share the company accomodation with a man.
He was married, but his family were yet to join him.
He was also a new immigrant like us and was also trying to find his footings.

As new immigrants, one is always on the look out for ways to cut cost and it's like.
Our flatmate however was always always buying cooked food to it
Hubby and I tried suggesting he cook his meals but he didn't give any tangible reason why he didn't want to cook.
A month after, he finally got some kitchen utensils and we were celebrating with him.
How were we to know that this was nothing short of the beginning of a nightmare?

First day we cooked, we were out the house, only to return and we began wondering why everywhere smelt funny.
We clean the house properly everyday, so we couldn't pinpoint the reason for the funny smell.
It went on for awhile, he'd wait for us to go out, then cook.
Until one weekend, we were all home.
The minute our kids stepped into the kitchen, he held their nose and ran back shouting 'This kitchen is stinking'
It was really embarrassing.
This man knew next to nothing about cooking
So he'd wait for us to leave, cook his concoction and quickly eat.
He was forced to start cooking because he had run out of cash and couldn't keep up with buying food anymore.
One day he said 'If I knew that at any point in my life I'd be cooking for myself, I would've learnt how to'.

Parents, house chores are not gender based!
Teach your kids both male and female how to cook and clean
This is a basic survival skill everyone should have.
Don't go tomorrow to be at the mercy of friends or eateries to survive
Or you overburden your spouse because you can't or because you feel it's not your responsibility.
If however you can afford to outsource the responsibility, then please do.

P. S Same goes for good character/manners.
Don't raise your girls bowing down to everyone while your son walks head held high with little or no regard for anyone or any form of empathy.
Let's teach our kids better, they're our tomorrow.


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