Yesterday, it was the video of a lady who visited the bank with pant in the name of jean to carryout whatever transaction that brought here.
I was wowed!

Today, another video of a lady with clear transparent net as top and mini jean pant to cover her bum.
Some young men were harassing her by pouring water on her and asking her to go change her outfit.
I never will support a person being harassed and or assaulted however I just want to know what's going on?

Is this the new trend?
We all wanna walk around naked?
The musician you want to copy her dressing has a car or wears such outfit for stage performance.
You wear yours and walk down the road, bust stops, public places, market places and all.
The right goes both ways
Yes you have a right to wear what you choose but others also have a right not to be harassed by your unclad body parts because you've chosen to be naked.
Today, if you voice out in correcting such all you'd hear is 'its my right'
It is said that where one's right stops is where the right of another begins.

Everything is really falling apart
Seems as the economy is decaying, out morals are decaying also
Some would argue that whites dress like that and no one stops them
Are we whites?
Have we been dressing like that?
Our cultural attire clothes us beautifully well.
Will you tell an Indian lady to wear such?
They proudly wear their cultural wears.

Maybe I'm an old school but I'm of the opinion that nothing beats decency
Every occasion has what is required of a person.


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