All by myself!
'I'd like to thank God for helping me. I'm standing here because of the grace of God and then I'd also attribute my success and accomplishments today to My dedication and hardwork. I worked myself to my bones, I never stopped and never quit and you can all see where I am today...'
That was part of Philip's speech on his ministerial appointment party. He never as much as acknowledged those who helped him climb the success ladder or those who fought for him to be where he was.
Philip felt he had arrived and began manifesting as much.
He believed he didn't need help anymore and began to cut off these people and their support.
Trust life; the way he went up, was the same way he was brought down and this time he had no support system because he had stepped on every toe.
So many persons rise up and then forget those who were part of their success story.
The forget or intentionally cut off from these persons with the mindset of 'i have arrived '.
Nobody has a success story without the help of people
Somebody prayed for you
Somebody adviced you
Somebody recommended you
Someone took a chance at you.
Don't forget the hands that helped you up.
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