Go where you're appreciated.

Watched online as BBN former housemate Queen got engaged.
Then the story behind began to filter and this is one of those cases where God gives a person double for all her pain/troubles.

She was with Skitmaker Lord Lamba who got her pregnant.
He subsequently never acknowledged the baby publicly or showed any hit of the child in any way.
Meanwhile people on the internet had a field day with Queen for getting pregnant especially since she was unmarried and no one was acknowledging the pregnancy.

And then we woke up to videos of her engagement.
Literally, in a matter of hours, Baby Daddy began posting pictures and videos of of himself with the child, as well as the passport of the child he never acknowledged and subsequently filed for full custody of the child with the claims that his Mum and sister would take better care of the child since Queen the biological mother to his child was getting married. No be madness be that?

To think Lamba's family didn't accept Queen!
Today her fiance is making videos, posting pictures and everything lovey dovey you could think about.
His Dad and Mum are all over Queen
The love is so palpable.

My people go where you're loved and valued!!!
One man's dirt is another man's treasure.
Go where you're appreciated
This is applicable in EVERY RELATIONSHIP
Be it emotionally or work related.
This is the fastest way to elongate or cut short your life oh.
I greet you all!!!


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