Little acts of kindness!

Working in Nigeria, there was this guy hubby decided to be giving lifts to work cos we attended the same church and they worked in the same place.
Our houses were in opposite directions and the road to the office favoured hubby, but he'd drive in the opposite direction for about 30minutes just to pick this guy.
Little by little, this guy began to feel entitled to the rides. NEVER for once did he offer to buy fuel, the sweets, chocolates and gums hubby keeps in the car, he'd pack into his bags.
At some point he started giving hubby attitude if he picked him up late; and in more than two occasions refused speaking to hubby for picking him up late. Until they got to the office, oga shut himself out with an earpiece. Thankfully at some point, hubby cut him off.

Somebody does an act of kindness for you, a simple thank you and an effort to reciprocate matters.
Your younger siblings help wash your clothes and you go 'Ehen now' as of right?
A friend helps you do assignment, sign attendance, fix one thing for you, help you in your job search to find a job, runs around forgetting themselves to make sure your big day is well celebrated and you never think of what to do in return?
Always do your best to 'return the Favour's done to you. 
You might not be able to replicate or do as much as they did for you but your little acts of kindness goes a long way.


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