They see!

I was pretty late for school run yesterday so when the kids and I got to the traffic stop, the light was red and I was doing serious countdown.
I couldn't take it anymore as every minute was a countdown to our lateness so you already can guess, I beat the light while the kids were screaming 'Mummy the light is red, the light is red'
I lied and told them the light was bad.

Today hubby was doing the school run
When they got to the traffic light, the kids began clamouring and pushing their Dad to beat the red light, telling him the light was bad.
I had to convince them that the light was now fixed and working perfectly well.

The kids see all we do and subconsciously they begin to emulate us.
My kids are either trying to eat, walk, talk or do something like their Dad or myself.

These kids are like sponge.
The kids went to spend some time with their grandparents
My Mum once she forgets herself loves to dunk her bread in her tea.
My daughter automatically learnt it and has refused to drop it. If you want her to really enjoy her tea and bread, let her dunk.

How about parents who fight, curse, exhibit I'll manners and all.
The kids are watching
Let's be mindful of the generation we want to raise.


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