What do you count for?

This life is very fickle
We think money is everything
We think influence is everything
We think intelligence is the key 
We think with beauty we'd be accepted everywhere
We think it's in the things we command
So we have A,B and C but we look around and we're just hungry for more so we chase those things we perceive are missing with our lives without consideration to any other thing.

We forget that with each passing day, we draw closer to our eternity.
A wise man said 'Vanity upon vanity, all is vanity'
We forget to truly live
We forget to stop and look around us
We're too busy running the life race, we sometimes don't even know we're trampling on those we should be lifting.

If life consists of waking up chasing money/material things, getting it and then chasing more, what then is the beauty or essence of it?
I'd like to be the reason why this life is worth living for some persons
I'd like to memories of me to leave a smile on everyone who knew me
I'd love to be somebody's ray of sunshine.
What about you?


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