Benefit of the doubt

My colleagues and I were discussing the story of the girl who bullied another and a particular colleague held vehemently that it was the fault of the parents the girl turned out that way.
I tried my best to make her see that her opinion wasn't necessarily the truth.
Haven't you seen parents who did their best to enforce the best of training on their kids and yet they turned out crazy?
Haven't you see homely and calm parents with notoriously irredeemable kids?

This post is not just about parenting, or kids or making excuses. It's a post about giving people the benefit of the doubt.
It's so easy to jump into conclusions or pass judgments once negative news about another person comes to light.
Somehow it just seems we have all the answers and solutions to the challenge the person is facing or we come up with very intelligent things that should or could've been done.

My Dear, life is deeper than we know.
Just pray not to find yourself in that helpless position of the person you're throwing stones at.
Sometimes because we feel we're morally upright, then we have automatically become judges, hmmmmm has life happened to you?
Has life put you in a position you did things you didn't believe yourself capable of doing?
This is not a post to make excuses but before you throw that stone, take a minute to think twice.


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