I don't understand it!

If it were left to us, we'd all say that life is unfair and in a way, it truly is.
A man slaves for years, putting in his very best to make life meaningful. He suddenly gets a breakthrough and in the peak of it all, he does.
A woman trying to conceive for years unend finally gets pregnant.
She gives birth in the midst of so much celebration, only to die, leaving the child motherless.
How about parents who also die the minute it looks like their children are beginning to make a headway in life, after struggling and toiling to train their kids?

It's not death alone, but I'm trying to say that in this life, bad things happen to good people.
We can't explain it
We can't comprehend it
It just doesn't seem right
What motivation then is there to be good?
But then, good no matter how long it tarries still supercedes bad/evil.
Sometimes parents might not enjoy the goods seeds they've sown but their children and the children after will enjoy it
It's almost like paying it forward.

Don't for a minute envy those who do evil.
Check the records of those who live right; someway, somehow, the good they've done always comes back to them.


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