Let's say no to bullying!

This morning, we were greeted with the viral video of a girl bullying another in an elite school. Another video also surfaced, from same school, this time it was a boy being bullied.
Bullying is a terrible thing that parents should ensure  they deliberately train their children against. Not only has it damaged the lives of many persons who were bullied, it has even led to the death of some. 

There is no justifiable reason why a person should bully another. Children should be raised in love. The family remains the functional unit of every society and this goes to say that whatever is not corrected within the boundaries of the family will become a societal menace.

it is pitiable that such nasty behaviour was found in an elite school.  One would think that sending their children there will protect them from some ills that are prevalent in other regular schools but it appears the rot in the country has gotten so deep that expecting the normal is becoming a tall order.

Parents should raise their children in love but with firm discipline because undoubtedly,  lack of discipline will always manifest as character flaws that may be too difficult to correct in adulthood.


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