Missed opportunities

We were all enjoying the weekend at home one day when some people showed up from UNLEVER said they got to know about my baby brother and would love to sign him up as the face for their products.
My brother was such a very very beautiful baby. Back in the days when everywhere and everyone lived a communal life, neighbours would come carry my baby brother and the only time they brought him back was for mum to breastfeed him whenever they perceived he was hungry. He was such a cutie and he never cried or bothered anyone.

Well, my parents said they'd get back to them and that's how a neighbour planter the seed to my parents that my brother was probably going to get kidnapped or some sort of crazy thing. Bottom line, my parents should never agree. Hmmmmm that's how my brother missed that life transforming opportunity.

I've heard of several instances of where parents prevented their children from lifetime opportunities because of ignorance, fear, anger, pride or some, in the name of some sort of funny discipline. Sometimes they take suggestions from people they don't even know are feeling jealous because they had such opportunity.

Well, let's believe this generation of parents know better and won't stand in the way of their kids enjoying opportunities that will profit their lives.


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