
I almost fainted when I realized I was out on a very essential ingredient I needed to make my meal.
I couldn't help thinking 'How do I get this stuff now?'
Well, hubby always went out with the card we use for our daily expenses so I was very happy to send him a message and ask him to help me get what I need.
I was positioning like a very satisfied cat when I got his reply 'The card is home. Walk downstairs to the mall and get the things'

Please am I the only one who's very very lazy when it comes to grocery shopping?
I find every excuse possible not to.
God being so kind, decided to bless me with a husband who doesn't mind. I can even say he enjoys shopping.
This has earned us many funny names
Some have called my husband stingy for going to the shop, so that his wife won't get any money,
Others thought he was single until they met me and you needed to see their shocked faces
The ones who know he has a wife have equally called me some colourful name.
But what do we care.
That's where balance comes in marriage.
He loves doing it
I'd only do it when all else fails but once the things get home, my fingers are always itching to cook even way into the night.

Well, imagine how much hubby laughed at me when I stood at the check out counter and had to call him cos I couldn't even remember the pin to the card🤣🤣🤣.
Abeg thank God for understanding spouse oh!


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