Train them right!

Junior was the beloveth of his mother. He could do no wrong in her eyes.
She always found a way to make excuses for him whenever he did something wrong.
He bullied kids in school or in the neighbourhood, she'd apologize
He lifts things, she goes to pay
He takes from his siblings, she tells them to endure or forgo it cos he's their brother.
She was the apple of his eyes.
Why wouldn't he be? After 6 girls, Mama Junior finally had him and it was the greatest breakthrough of her life. She felt finally fulfilled and her life was practically centred around him.

Little by little he began to grow
Until one day it was the cops knocking on the door for Junior. He had become a terror to the state and was on the wanted list.

Nip it in the bud
Those little things are not so little
You say it's a white lie? Tomorrow it's a grown man with a pen signing off billions on contracts he didn't execute.
As parents, do your best to train your kids right so when the evening comes, you'd sleep easy knowing you did your very best.


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