What matters most?

'Hello, please I need a favour. I'm in a fix and I need a loan of... Thanks. Here's my account details'.
Every opportunity they get, they're shopping. Latest outfits, they have
Latest designer, they know
Hottest label, they know
Latest hairstyles and wigs, they have
Latest phone? They just got it.

Personal development? Planning towards it
Personal value/investment? No funds yet for it
Conferences, books, courses and the likes? Ahhhhh they're too expensive for now, besides there's no time for now.

There are persons who know the hottest and latest of everything you can name from shoes, clothes, cars, bags, everything except personal development.
After spending on looking fly, the next minute they're thinking of who to text the likes of the above message for handouts.
The wigs and purses you buy today would become outdated tomorrow but your worth tomorrow from your personal development today, becomes priceless.
Investing in your tomorrow, today, is the surest way to enjoy that soft life you believe you deserve.
So the big question before you make and expenditure henceforth should be 'What's the most important?'


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