Who's voice are you hearing?

Life is full of challenges and it seems things are getting more crazy as time goes by.
I remember sitting in an electronic shop withy friend years back as she cried out her soul.
Her younger sister was a banker, happily married to a 'HANDsome' dude working in the National Assembly. Her elder sister was married as well with twin and was living very good.
She couldn't help but wonder why her own case was different? A graduate, beautiful and homely, good character, church worker, focused, past 30yrs but still living with her parents and working in the electronic shop as a sales girl out of frustration; things weren't just adding up for her.

I took my time to soeak courage, strength and hope into the core of her being.
I always took out time to go stay with her in the shop, crack her up and get her mind off thing.
Today, amongst her siblings, she's got one of the best marriage, her husband practically worships the ground she walks on, she's blessed with kids, a beautiful stress free and well paying job and she's living a very soft life.

Who do you have that can hold you up and speak life into you when you're down?
Or are all your friend for flex?

Who's voice are you hearing?
Your past?
The present hardships?
Those who're doubting you'd make it?
Or the people who you draw strength from?


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