Celebrity life.

Ever seen them big stars and admired them?
The social media presence
The recognition everywhere you go
The influence and supposed life of affluence
We all wish it's our kids, our family member, friend or ourselves living that 'BEST LIFE'

We all admire the life
We want it
Then the curtains are opened and we get a little glimpse.
Did you follow the just past AMVCA Awards?
See them dressings, both male and female?
See how much each celebrity put in to come out looking the way they did?
The time, the thought, the money, every effort.
Some go as far as dieting for months to look good for one night.
How do these celebrities come about the funds the spend?
How much do they make compared to how much they spend?
Everyday there's a show, a party or some award or something going on.
They have to show up and show off or else you'd no longer be rated.
Can one keep up with that?

Doesn't stop the attention they get which can quickly turn negative at the slightest miss.
As for me, I admire the stars and all the popular faces from a distance but omor I don't want that attention.
I'd rather be a silent rich girl.
N.B See what Toyin Abraham is suffering from Nigerians because tailor gave her bag of rice to wear for award.😂😂😂😂.
Abeg, you didn't get that info from me oh.
Go online and check the outfit for yourself.


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