
I'd love to write this in capital letters 'THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO REASON TO CHEAT'.
Of course I can hear the arguments rolling out already but hear me out.
In law, we were taught that to every rule, there's an exception and this case is no exception. There are spouses who are comitted to making the life of their partner miserable and full of sorrow, those who's happiness is only seen when their partner is in pain.

However the post for today is not about the aforementioned exception.
Taking the case study of the average marriage/relationship out there, over 70% of those who cheat have no excuse.
They do it just because
They have partners who are working with them to build a home, to execute projects that would better their lives, raise their children to be wonderful and even depriving themselves to better their spouses, but no.
When some become accomplished they'd begin to look down on their partner as not unto their level.

A woman struggles with a man for years, building step by step, and then his doors open and he suddenly realizes that she's not befitting of his status.
A man struggles and invests hisoney into a lady, cleans her up, educates her, elevates her, then she remembers he's not presentable.

If it's beauty you're looking for, there'd always be more beautiful people
If it's intelligence, there'd be more intelligent people, more financially buoyant, more skilled, more successful people out there.
You chose that person you're with as your partner so stick with them, avoid compromising association or places that can make you slip.
Stepping out on your partner only says you have chosen not to put them and the aftermath of your actions into consideration.
Choose faithfulness cos it also speaks integrity.
But if you find that you can't stay in any relationship, the honourable thing to do it to cleanly cut ties and leave.

Una well done!


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