There's a set of people that should best be described as pandemics. When we were taught parasitic relationship in biology, we weren't thinking it would be translated into human relationship.

Their numbers or contacts are either blocked, deleted or archived and if for any reason they get through with a strange line, they get quickly discharged.

They're there, never have any form of relationship or communication. Then they crawl out from a rock and you see them calling you.
The minute you see their calls one automatically knows they're not calling with regards to goodwill. Their call only means there's a demand. They only call when they need one form of assistance or the other.

Worst part of it is that sometimes, after going out of your way to help them, they go silent ago. Not even a thank you, until when they need you again.

If you fall amongst this category of parasitic people, learn to do better.
Build a healthy relationship with people. 
Relationship is not just about you taking and taking, you also give.
This is why sometimes, you'd call people over and over again and they'd never pick or return the calls.
If you nuture healthy relationships, you'd automatically reap from it.
People are more than just a means to solve your needs. Also show up for these people.
If you can't buy a gift, call, 
You can't call, send a text
Do something.


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