Employment conditions!
A very beautiful girl in my choir outrightly became a shadow of herself because of monthly target.
Her boss was mounting pressure on her to meet up. At some point he point blank told her 'Cant you use what you have to get what you want?'
Every month, the target only got worse. She gradually began to loose her joy, next thing it became an issue of battling depression.
In the end, she had to resign to save her sanity.
Some employees are nothing but exploiters.
They give unrealistic targets and when you can't meet up, they make your life a living hell.
I once had a boss who told me 'i don't pay oh but any job that you bring you'd get a percentage'. This man stressed the living daylight out of me.
Employment conditions is something our government should look into.
At least there should be a level that would be generally accepted as the barest minimum!
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