Listen to your spirit!

God in his infinite wisdom gave us human senses.
These senses he put in us, to help us, protect us and more. Physically and intuitive.

A lady was in a relationship with this man.
He was everything and more, according to her.
He gave her absolutely no reason to doubt him yet her spirit wouldn't be at ease.
She asked if he was hiding anything from her and of course he told her there was nothing.
He spirit kept nudging her but she gave in to the 'i want to get married' wave and got married to him. Only to find out he was a wanted man in his country, who had changed his identity and was living in disguise.

If you search within you'd find that your spirit bears witness to things that happens around you.
Most times we're so drowned in the noise of our environment to hear what it is saying to us.
If you closely examine yourself, you'd find there were some decisions your spirit warned you against, or gave you a peaceful reassurance.

God put this guide in us.
In a world that is going crazy today, don't live your life anyhow. Take a minute to listen to your spirit cos it might just be saving you from things you never know.


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