Perks of a sweet husband!

A loving husband is no joke oh, then imagine that man topped off with care, humour, kindness and grace.
Hmmmmmm I married one of this rare kind and my life has been a bed of roses; forget that adage
I want something, I keep a baby face. Next minute you hear 'Baby are you fine? What is the problem?'
How about getting random gifts?
He goes out, comes home with a bag full and says 'I saw these and I just thought they'd look good on you'.
Breakfast in bed? Hahaha he fills my cup till it runs over
Breakfast on the bed? Always delicious cos he's a master chef
Has my back whenever, wherever, however
Ahhhhhhh, did I mention I love going shopping with him? 
Cos there's a list of things to buy and then there's me pointing my little finger, pouting and saying plllllleeeeaaassseee and viola, it's added to the chart and bill's on lover boy hubby.

Okay okay okay, on a serious note, marriage is not a ride in the park but doing it with someone kind and loving makes every season, good or bad, an easy ride.
You share in all of the steps, helping each other along the way and when the crazy storms become calm it's nothing but bliss all the way.
This is one of my greatest blessing in life and everyday I pray same and even better for my loved ones.
My Darling, marriage is good. Don't shortchange yourself by settling for less.


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