Society robbed me.

A friend sent me a picture of myself 6 years ago. I COULDN'T BELIEVE MY EYES!!!
Was that was me. Back then right after childbirth, I looked almost the way I was just after our wedding and I began to wonder how I conceived it in my heart that I looked fat.

The rigours of healing from a cesarean section, nursing a baby, playing wife and being present for everyone and also keeping up with the societal dictates of looking a certain way.

I had heard so many people tell me over and over again that I had gained weight.
At a time when I was supposed to be enjoying the miracle of conceiving and birthing children, as well as nursing them and growing with them through every phase, I let society get into my head and steal those special moments because all I was thinking of was how fat and unattractive I had become.

Today I'm twice as big than I was back then and I see now that society robbed me of precious moments.
I couldn't take pictures with my kids or create fine memories, I couldn't enjoy the pleasure of having their little cries and tantrums.
I let society win.

Right now, I'm more, I'm above and over it.
I enjoy every minute we share
I enjoy every minute of being the woman that I am
I find fulfilment living for me
And every external voice, I put to a stop before it even begins.
Don't let society rob you also.


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