There was a neighbour of mine some years back, a beautiful lady, cheerful and a single mum. 

One day she asked me to go with her so the father of her baby will get to see his son as the court ruled having completed their divorce proceedings. However the man didn't show up. On the grounds that he couldn't bear to see her. it was then she told me she thought they were good when she returned from work one day and he had packed all his things and left. Next was a court summons as he initiated divorce. 

Some years later she got married again and I witnessed first hand how he was treating her new husband and I then knew why her first husband left. She was loud, she'd insult him and everyday at clockwork she'd wake the entire building before 5am with loud noise and complaints about what the man did and didn't do.

For this reason I've lived to always appraise my marriage. I'd always want to know what I need to do to keep it happy because I realise people change and their needs change. It's a different ball game before the kids start coming and as they come, with each stage comes different needs. 

With my neighbour there was lack of respect, there was definitely no peace.... I mean who wakes their partner by 4am to start screaming or to remind them of the loans they are yet to repay or for one flimsy quarrel or another?

Then one day he couldn't take it any more, she was too overbearing and he allowed her go to work then he cleared his things and left.

if we don't learn we will continue to repeat our mistakes.

We should choose to be the peace that we seek to see in our partners. 

Do you routinely appraise your relationship?


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