Body shaming? Please move along.

I almost went into depression after having my daughter.
I was battling with CS wound that refused to heal, a daughter that refused to breastfeed so I couldn't do elective like I planned, had to play mummy, wife and daughter roles while keeping a happy face. There was little or nothing I could do as I gained weight, not even from eating cos I wasn't really into food.
I already felt I was failing, only to go out once in awhile to hear people tell me how I've become big.

One of the ladies who spoke of my wright gain recently came online to cry about her mental health and struggles with people telling her about how big she had grown.
I was shocked. A certified nurse and just one kid? After laughing at me, I presumed she would know everything in the book to prevent weight gain but then, life ehhhh. What goes around...

My Dear, I'm here to say, before you open your mouth to shame somebody fat, slim, short, dark and more, try and create your own perfect human to live and relate with.
I was so conscious of this that it took me almost 2 years before I could take a picture with my daughter and family as a whole.
Then my family relocated abroad and I see here that nobody cares what you look or don't look like.
People are about succeeding, living their best lives, doing their jobs and making accomplishments for themselves.
So you see, breath in, out and use saliva to swallow that poison you wanted to vomit on somebody's esteem.


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