Don't kill that Dream; Don't kill that child.


When I was a child, I used to fantasise a lot. I'd sit and be talking to myself about things I'd do, heights I'd accomplish and how I'd be the best. I used to create stories where I was the hero. 

Then one day, while talking to myself aloud I was caught. I didn't know my uncle had sneaked up on me and could hear all I was saying. The big dreams, the details - well,  as detailed as my little mind could see. I was less than 10 years then. 

He sat me down and told me how the world operates and how my dreams could never manifest. 

and I believed him. 

the next time I tried to sit and enjoy my fantasy which were my best moments I'd remember his words 

"That's not how the world operates what you're saying are impossible" 

Now I know better. 

Don't kill the dream of that child that's under your care. No matter how stupid it may sound allow children to thrive in their Imaginations. if you can't help them to see more, don't kill their drive. 

Don't kill their visions. 

The blessing that comes with being children is that in their realm, there is no room for impossibility so long as their mind can conceive it.
If all we saw today was just what could be then we wouldn't have mind-blowing transformations, inventions, discoveries and the breathtaking breakthroughs.
Every great achiever will say he allowed the child inside of him or her to continue to live.

Don't kill that seed.


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