Is this still labour pains?
Microsoft has shut down its office in Lagos and relocated its African office to Kenya thereby ending the jobs of over 200 persons.
Huggies, makers of diapers have left too.
Whilst the government keeps making flimsy excuses as to the reasons why these companies are leaving.
Truth be told so long as the government keeps making policies that are flippant at most and grossly irregular, it will make investors to keep away from such economy.
The greatest challenges to these companies leaving is that it further keeps away foreign direct investments from the economy which is the direct measure for strengthening the currency.
We can only infer from all these that the economy does not look good in the shortest future unless something is done to rebuild confidence in the government and its policies.
However, it does not appear as though the hard times facing the country can still be likened to labour pangs.
I come in peace.
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