Hmmmmmmmm the very next day after Davido's wedding it became fire fire fire.
Instead of reeling in the joy of the event, it has become all about bragging and dragging amongst guests.
Who was or wasn't invited
Who knows who
Who has more influence or what
Talking down on each other
How about Sharon's wedding of yesterday?
It was such a breathtaking ceremony
The glitz and glam
The fun
The joy
And then people started spreading ugly dirt about the couple
He was married
She's his fourth wife...
My question is simple; why can't people be let to enjoy their happy moments?
Look at the two beautiful weddings that just happened.
All people can think about is finding something that will smear the day, trying to take away the joy of the moment from the celebrants.
If you have a thing about seeing people happy, please close your eyes.
If you can't stand people's joy, don't watch.
Nobody is interested in hearing those negative opinions
Unless your aim is to leave a bitter taste in the mouth of the people, let them have their day devoid of drama.
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