Fear, has robbed alot of people of their joy, peace, and their life generally.

People live in fear, worrying about this or that
What will the future hold for me?
What will become of my kids?
How will I find a job?
How will, what will, how can, will I? 
All these questions and more.

The Bible tells us that fear has torment.
It keeps you up late at night and leaves you thinking.
People have become so lost with fear for their future that they have forgotten to live in the present.
So much concentration on tomorrow, only to find that time has past and one can't account for how the time went by.

Not having fear or worrying about your future doesn't mean not having a plan or not setting goals.
It simply means don't get lost with your head buried there.
What is even the guarantee of tomorrow?
Tomorrow isn't promised, so taker out a minute to soak in the sun, look around and really see your environment, take a minute to really see your kids, spouse, family and how far you've come.
Thank God for the life you have
Tomorrow will surely meet you better.


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