I took one look at the news and saw the Kenyian youths take over their parliamentary house(senate) and I was proud.
The government chose to hike taxes even for basic things like bread, sugar, data...
The people spoke against it but of course the government turned a blind in the believe that it was business as usual.

The youths began protesting online
Began translating the intended tax into several local languages
Began social media education/sensitization and mobilization

The government still thought it was a joke

And then the first physical protest began in Nairobi. Some protesters were arrested and this further agrieved the youths and the protest became widespread across the nation.
Parliament amended some part of the proposed taxes and passed it.
Then the youth broke into the Senate, took the maze, destroyed properties, set some part on fire.

Next thing President comes online to say he has heard the people and won't be signing the proposed tax hike.
It took over one week of aggressive protest, about 22 dead from police attack, several arrests and physical damage/confrontation for the government to listen.
Well, I hear now the youths are demanding the president steps down.

Sri Lanka youths had to protest as well and even broke into the President's house.

Take a look at Nigeria!
It seems the hike is in hours.
By the end of a day, the price of things can change severally.
Minimum wage is nothing to write home about
But new taxes and hike keeps coming up everyday.
Well, I think the Nigerian youths haven't had enough and until then...

I hope the movement against wicked leadership in Africa doesn't end in Kenya alone.
I hope other African nations will wake up as well.
The people deserve better.


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