Who are you modelling after?

I met and married my husband when he had next to nothing. Don't roll your eyes, just hear me out. I know that statement is cliche but for me, it's very true.
Hubby and myself were barely put together when we agreed to get married. Our wedding was almost a charity case because we refused to borrow for it, friends were already laughing at us and making snide comments and then on the wedding day everyone was left speechless cos almost 10 years after, our wedding is still the best amongst our friends.

I was at home, going about my normal weekend chores when hubby casually stepped out, only to return home with the latest iPhone 15pro max as a gift.
Please me people how was I supposed to react, if not to stand there speechless?
I remember days we barely had what to eat, days we trekked, days we borrowed.
Same man imported a brand new car from Germany for me
Bought me lands
Relocated the kids and I abroad(himself included) and more.
Let's not go into the emotional and career support cos it won't end.

Weeks ago Saidaboj was online talking about a man can access her if he had 20 million.
Imagine if I had put a price tag on myself when I met hubby?
I know some men are correct white stainers once they see small change after toiling with them from nothing. That doesn't however mean today we should begin to put prices on life.
What life can you put on life that you can't even create? The most wonderful things are even invaluable.
You can't buy joy, peace, wholesomeness, true love...

Today, I enjoy at no cost, what many have sold themselves for.
Take life one step at the time,
Turn your eyes to all those get it quick scheme, the end isn't always pleasant.


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