Sometimes we see people go from very nice to mean or unapproachable
Some ho from kind to hardened
Some go from love to hate
Strong to weak
Weak to strong
Mean to love
The pendulum can swing to any direction, negative or positive

Basic foundation of the reason why people change is their experience
Sometimes, especially where it's negative, people tend to want to undermine the feelings of that person, trying to make light of it, forgetting we all respond differently.

Some people act out bad and take advantage of a person's kindness and when he changes, they have something to say
When people close their doors against individuals that used to have access to them prior to this time, check well, it didn't just happen out of the blues.

Before you join in saying ABC when such people run to you to talk bad of another do your own findings oh and don't be in a hurry to contribute your words.
I've seen people we helped from food to clothes gain the most little amount of financial blessing and turn their backs until they needed help again
I've seen people repay kindness for good or those who became so entitled and began demanding what hubby and I did out of the kindness of our heart.

One manifested herself today, even going as far as reporting hubby to his seniors at work for help he rendered from the goodness of his heart.
This was truly laughable as hubby decided there and then to cut off the help which I support.
So my people something always influences a person's change. Ask why.


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