If you were given 1 million dollars, what will you do with it?
If you had the opportunity to meet the wealthiest man in the world, what will be your discussion with him? What ideas can you pitch to him?
I'm sure we've heard the above questions posed several times but they're very valid.
We all want to be in the corridors of power
We want to mingle among the elites and brilliant minds
We want the doors of wealth to be opened for us.
However, most of us are not ready for it.

It's not about great doors opening for us; that's the easiest part.
The question is being able to sustain that level of success.
The Bible told us of Joseph an intelligent mind in the prison
Then opportunity came his way and he was brought before the King. His intelligence and ideas didn't just keep him before the King, he became the informal king of Egypt.

After gaining access to power, to fame, to all the wealth you dreamt of, how can you sustain it?
Your relevance and ability to create or be of value is the key
So how much valuable are you?


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