Helllllloooooo My Dear,
Easy easy
Take a deep breath and quit crucifying yourself
None of us came into the world holding manual on how we should live out our lives that is why there's room for mistakes.

There's no human on planet earth that hasn't made a mistake at something
There's no perfect human either
So why do you keep recounting that incident?
Why won't you let go of the erroneous decision you made in the past?
Why have you let that event haunt you over and over so much so that it's hanging over your head like a banner and determining how you e been living your life?

Life is full of mystery
Learn from your mistake, forgive yourself and avoid a repeat.

Sometimes, destiny might be designed that the circumstances that looks like a mistake will become the source of your lifting.
Do not bury your head in the sand over an error
There's no time to keep throwing yourself a pity party
Dust yourself and move on
Greater things await you!


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