Keep it in!

I'm sure we've all lost count on the number of times we've heard abouting limiting how we speak a d rightfully so, for countless reasons.

A friend's mum was kidnapped after he took to social media to celebrate her and announce her recent wins.
Thankfully, she was released alive after ransom was paid but trust me, the experience was indeed traumatizing.

A girl cost her father her job cos she got all to excited about his new job and the accompanying benefits that she took to posting every detail of it online in the name of content.
Similarly, many have lost opportunities because they overheard some conversations along the corridors of power and without waiting for confirmation, took to announcing it only for the rug to be pulled under them.

A hen doesn't go about parading her eggs before they hatch. She hides the, sits on them, until they hatch and not all eggs hatch. So just imagine if she already number her chicks before they hatched?

Silence is really golden
Many have lost their lives just because they wanted to show how much they were enjoying. 
Next thing is a gun slinging gang arriving their destination and then you're hearing of their death.
Don't sell out your tomorrow just because you couldn't keep things to yourself.


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