Man of the house!

Hubby took a trip recently and before leaving, he told our son that he was now in charge of the house and as such, responsible for his mother and sister.
Our son took this responsibility to heart!
He woke us up for prayers
Told us when to ear breakfast, play quietly, do one thing or the other(he had his set of rules)🤣
He swept, cleaned the best he could and more.
This however wasn't a product of a one day event.

Hubby has always been helpful and hands-on around the house
If he notices I'm tired, he'd take over anything I'm doing
90% of the time, he did chores without me asking him to.
He didn't just do these chores, but the kids watched him do it and he got them involved even if it took a longer time to get it done or it meant him repeating the chore.
His mantra was that chores weren't gender dependent.

Some people have some funny notions like, men aren't supposed to be in the kitchen, how much more cooking; but they eat right?
Men aren't supposed to do this or that
Women aren't supposed to do this and that.
This is how the adults of tomorrow get formed.
Train the children to do their chores and keep their homes, make their beds, cook their meals: chores are not gender based.


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