Men, women and marriage!

Dispute in marriage is something no couple wants to discuss how much more get into.
In a way,I think it kinda favours women and my case study from homes with loving relationship.

Remember the phrase 'Happy wife, happy life?'🤣🤣🤣
This is very much true cos no man wants to funny dramas women put up.
First things first, the men don't even understand the subtle signs we women drop here and there.
Then if by some miracle they do, they won't even know how to begin to deal with the situation because typically, we say
Leave me when we want to be held
Don't talk to me when we're re actually wishing in our heart they won't stop trying to beg, pet and try to talk to us
Ok, you can do what you want, when we're inwardly screaming no.

So the men have simply found a blanket rule for survival which is, for the sake of peace and to ease stress, 'the wife is always right'.
This is quite funny and doesn't make any sense to the logical guy out there. But my Dear People we all love that nobody enters marriage trying to prove logic, smartness and open eyes. All those end at the door and everyone just accommodates the other, sometimes even apologizing when you're right.🙃
Yet those little things that seem to make a person look dumb are the things that make for a truly happy and lasting happy home.


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