'The way you dress is the way you'll be addressed '
Literally,, this phrase is right.
Call girls always dress themselves up in flashy and eye catching ways. Why? Men are moved by what they see. So, these ladies have tapped into it and go out of their ways with the believe that if they can trap a man's attention, they've gotten him. This works for their choice of occupation, do once you see them, you know them.

Sadly, our society today is filled with ladies who dress so scantily.
When they're addressed as call girls, this becomes war. They begin to claim you're trampling on their rights.
Same goes for guys. Back in the days, by just their dressing, one knew gangsters and the likes. Today, guys have big chains and boots and you're wondering who they are.

Now, speaking intellectually, how are you dressed? 
Imagine the aura of respect, admiration and command a finely dressed lady or gentleman carry when they walk into a room?
It's same way people and doors of opportunities get wowed when an intelligent mind speaks.

Our world today is ruled by those who have insatiable thirst for knowledge.
Are dressing up to match the society of today or you're still in the same robe you've had on for over 10-15years?
When last did you change your outfit or grow your wardrobe (mind) by learning something new?
I think it's about time you give it a try.
Guess what the beautiful part is? Everything is at your fingertips today with the help if the internet.
Work on your outfits today!


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