Mike Ejeagha, a seasonal Nigerian Igbo song writer and singer has been in the business for years and years. He was known for the stories he told through his songs and we'll, like most old song writers he seemed to have faded into the background for our generation.

Recently a young Nigerian skit maker decided to use one of Mike's song to do a dance in a funny skit.
It became a hit and the highest viewed of all of the skits he had made and for Mike, it became an announcement to his song(s).

Several persons began using the song to make videos of their own dance and it has since become a viral hit with so many popular faces hopping on it.
A win win for both skit maker and songwriter.
And all of a sudden, people have been trooping to pay homage to the songwriter who is now  we'll striken in age.

With the love shown and tears shed every time anyone visits, you can tell Mike never believed he'd become an internet sensation or that his work would be this widely noticed.
This goes to show that when God says it's your time,nothing can stop it.
I'm sure he must've even forgotten his singing days,he could barely talk, how much more address guests. How then could he ever have imagined that his fortune would turn around in his later days?

My Dear, you see those seeds you're sowing?
Don't stop.
This example goes to show that we never know when our harvest will come knocking.


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