Marriage on the rocks

There's a crazy spirit in the air these days that seems to be on an all out war on marriages.
Paternity fraud here and there, husband or wife cheating, feeling frustrated or neglected, choosing to stop putting in efforts towards making the marriage work because they're distracted or have chosen to pursue other goals.

As I sat listening to a friend cry and unburden about his marriage and his decision to end things, I couldn't help but wonder at the rising number of divorce.
There are so many reasons why marriages are crashing  but I'd like to turn my mind to those who have checked out of their marriages mentally, have decided not to make any effort into making things work irrespective of efforts by the spouse and have just chosen to frustrate their partner.

For whatever reasons, marriages can break down and no matter the best efforts, one partner happens to no longer want to keep the marriage alive. WHY NOT DIVORCE YOUR PARTNER IF YOURE TIRED AND UNWILLING TO TRY TO MAKE THINGS WORK?
Why do they hope on and instead decide to go out to find ways to hurt their partners, living carefree.

I'm not addressing those who have hurt their partners but still expect to be pampered.
Whylive in a loveless marriage and keep hurting yourself, your spouse and your kids where the case maybe?
I'm not an advocate for divorce but some seperations are expedient for one's sanity.

Finally dear married couple, don't forget to say a prayer over your marriage and over your home. The devil is really out there hunting.


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