Little humans!

My kids are my world and if I didn't have them, I sure would've become a Cannan Land regular with correct fasting and prayers buuuuutttttttt... One of the reasons I love my church is the fact that there's a provision for 'Children church's where the kids are kept spiritually and intellectually engaged and they worship in their own way(language). Most importantly, it gives parents few hours of relief from parenting to just relax and enjoy the service. This singular reason makes going to church pretty exciting. However, there some Sundays where the church provides for everyone to worship as a family so the kids are merged the worship with the adults. Today happened to be one of such! The thing is, sometimes you're not pre-informed so, you just get to church to find everyone together. I was all decked up as a Baby girl, with my pretty little gown and my 6 inches, all made up and the plans was to walk like the Queen. Got to church and surprise, it'...