Times change!

At the time it was being introduced into the market, I told myself a screen touch phone wasn't for me. I was one of those who firmly held onto Blackberry and phones with keypads until the very end. Today I consider it crazy funny thinking of owning a phone right now that is keypad. I was passing by a church and heard them singing serious prayer songs with loud clapping and speaking in tongues. It came off as a surprise because it wasn't the practice of this church to be praying violently and more, moving from their routine. I remember telling my Mum we wanted our kid through CS. She spent a very good amount of time forbidding it and telling me how strong women in our lineage were forgetting it wasn't a thing of strength but our person decision. Nurses thought I was being manipulated, or better still thought hubby and I were crazy and were suggesting I don't go throught with it. BY the time the second child was coming, Mum had become a great believer in our d...