
Showing posts from February, 2022

Who bewitched us?

This right here got me laughing so hard and at the same time deeply saddened at the state of our nation; what we are and what we could be 62years post independent and we still have light, good roads, free education, primary health care....the basic of the basics as manifesto promises of politicians running for any office If we're still struggling with the basics how can we focus on making decisions, policies or actions that would better us? How can we compete with other nations? How can our people compete? What chances do we have in the international field? What is the hope of the common man? Our situation is worst in comparison to an orphaned child. We do not only have no direction but we have decided to be our own source of hindrance.  We refuse to build our health care system but spend billions abroad to get it The quality of our educational system; laughable but we pay to have ourselves or our kids in the best abroad Business crumpling daily because sourcing raw mat...

Mummy's everyday life

It had been a pretty long day Running around, house chores and topped off with cooking several meals against the new week At this point all I needed was rest  Rest and a well deserved bowl of goodness  Unfortunately hubby wasn't home, so I had to also watch the kids but I decided I'd take a super two minutes for myself and my getaway mission I grab a bowl, fill it with my special treat of garri, milk, groundnut and sugar Armed with my bowl and chilled water, I make a smooth dash for the room from the kitchen Unfortunately I had to pass by the sitting room to get to the bedroom  Puuufffffff I slide into the room giving myself a mental high-five for moving so swiftly the kids didn't notice me as they were lost in watching their cartoon  Now I could indulge  The minute I poured water into the bowl of my garri, I looked up to find my son feigning tears or whatever it is So I carry him on my lap We drink the garri together with him taking 90% of it He too...

To the superheroes in disguise

Superman, Spiderman, Batman,Catwoman, Jamesbond, Avatar....... Superheroes everywhere on TV, human or cartoon forms, all saving the day But But we forget that it's an everyday reality  Not every superhero wears Cape Remember the guy who housed you when you had nowhere to go? How about the Uncle/Aunty that trained you in school? That lady that's always smiling whenever you pass by her house, or  The day you sacrificed your last 2k when your friend called to cry about a pressing need  Everyday we're giving of ourselves to friends and loved ones Or those Angels in human form who give to us from friendship, to a kind word, an encouraging smile or a listening ear. A helping hand, a shoulder to lean on, a confidant, a place of succour.... Look around and appreciate those everyday superheroes.

Motivational motivational motivation

▪Look before you leap.  He who hesitates is lost ▪Absence makes the heart fonder.   Out of sight is out of mind ▪The more the merrier.   Two is company, three is a crowd ▪If you love a person you'd fight for him.  What is yours will come to you, you dont have to fight for it. Abeg are we fighting or are we not fighting? This brings to mind last year's Valentine I was thinking of how to wow my man so I took to listening to some relationship tapes to get some tips and one of the things taught was to spice up things in the oza room Ding Ding The spicing idea stuck This one would be pretty easy to do na Highly motivated, I switched to power mood I had some spicing up shakira moves to pull That night was lit Baby girl got adorned in fifty shades garments and gadgets  All to wow brother oh If only I could see the future, I would've stayed with the eternal missionary style, and just as implied, it's been saving lives since 18BC But you know how it is...


They say experience is the best teacher. That's correct depending on your point of view. In our world of today, your craft is what sells you How does one gain such knowledge or become an expert in his or her field  Practice they say makes perfect. How then do you gain such expertise faster if not from persons who have walked the road you want to walk in That's the beauty of the Igbo people and their enterprise  This thing called 'Apprenticeship' is like a core of the Igbo business  Apprenticeship simply put is subjecting oneself to learn or be trained under a person who already possess the knowledge or skill you desire This right here is the fastest way to glean and gain knowledge  You do not have to go through years of experiences or mistakes of your teacher You are spared time, trauma, money and drama Learning from an experienced hand gives you a spring board to build on rather than starting from scratch  On this platform you can add your flav...

Protect your mental health

The social media space today just got me thinking crazy From one heart wrenching news to the other Bad government policies, harrassment of defenceless citizens by uniformed men, abuse of power, a family burnt to death, in short countless death reports, feuds, depression,  the list goes on and on Brrraaaakkkkeeeee! Stop stop stop Had to shut it down This was just alot to take in Then I think of everyone around and wonder  How's anyone coping in these times? This brings me to the talk MENTAL HEALTH! There's just a whole lot going on in our world today Pressures on all front, family, job, society It's pressure, pressure, pressure  Sometimes you may not even realize how burnt out you are cos you're still running  Without knowing you're running on empty Then the cracks begin to show Irrational decisions, irritation, anger, anxiety, depression.... Life will never stop placing demands on you The good thing is you can always step up to the plate But you have to ...

Betrayal; Wolves in sheep clothing

Hubby was contacted to supply something and the deal was as good as sealed then a mutual friend was sent over for final inspection before payment  Mutual friend came and inspected then went back to buyer convincing him not to buy from hubby and also made a counter offer at an unrealistic cheaper rate Another person was sent to inspect the offer and of course it was way below standard  Deal fell through Sometimes the people who hate to see us succeed are closer than we think Enemies wearing the cloak of friendship  This is why it's not everybody that should know your business  Be also careful who you deal with as well Who calls himself a friend and tries to steal or covets what belongs to his/her friend ? That can never be a true friendship  You think wickedness or wicked people  doesn't exist? It does and they do exist. Truly if some persons know where you butter your bread they'd not only steal your butter, they'd steal your bakery.  May a...

The sibling rivalry; can't live with them, can't live without them.

'For the umpteenth time D leave your sister alone' I screamed as I tried quelling yet another duel Five minutes later we were repeating the same circle D wouldn't let his sister be for a minute. Anything in her possession is what he wants If she refuses to play with him, he'd cry When she plays with him, they fight and end in premium tears After an episode of their endless fights, hubby decided to take D along with him as he was going to the car wash and then run some errands that cool Saturday. And so of they went that morning. Upon their return late in the afternoon D ran and hugged his sister with hubby on his tail telling me how D spent all day asking of his sister and crying for her at some point In less than 10 minutes of his return they were at it again, fighting over a toy Of course this is not peculiar to D and his sister. My siblings and I had our own fair share of fights, over food, clothes, toys everything and nothing and yet you miss each other ...

Shakara gone wrong

Sanda lilli sanda lili  Sanda lilli sanda  lili Sanda lilli sanda lili sands lili  sanda question  Done with my outfit and as I sat down to buckle my shoe my mind took me down memory lane The University of Jos, Faculty of Law students were not only known for their intellectual excellence, wealth but also their tasteful fashion sense And then Chioma happened to this great Faculty  Upon gaining admission, a friend gave me a tour of the school and the basic information I needed to know One look at the Faculty and her students and I knew I had to step up my game and so, I went shopping. From clothes, to shoes and everything in between (who won carry last?) One glorious morning, I decided it was 'Dress to kill' day so i complemented my outfit with one of my brand new high heels(a costly mistake )and off to school I went Alighted from the cab at the school gate and then reality dawned on me I had totally forgotten that the Law Faculty was quite a walk from...

Never forget where you began

Grace ended the call the minute she recognized Tammy's voice  Benson blatantly refused offering any help Tracy didn't even bother taking her calls no matter how many times she called Tammy scrolled through her contact list and thought to try another one Jude picked on the third ring Tammy: Hello, Jude this is Tammy Jude: What! Tammy? What's happening? Tammy: Nothing much, I just thought to call you Jude: Tammy the last time we spoke was three years ago when you said you couldn't let my kid sister pass the night in your house knowing fully well she was new in your town and stranded Tammy: J, it's not like that, I had just moved into a new place, with new furnishings and I had quite alot of expensive things inside. Besides, i don't really know your sister  Jude: It's alright, Tammy what can i do for you, I'm at work. Tammy: J, please I need money. I lost my job and I've been going through alot Jude: And that's why you called me after th...

The 6th sense!

As Sydney starred at the deal, it all looked good. Actually it looked too good. Every 'i' dotted, every 't' crossed but she couldn't shake off the feeling  There was just an uneasy feeling as regards this deal It was to be a spring board for her business, a partner she had been searching for to invest in her company for such a long time just fell on her laps literally  She should be jumping for joy but here she was thinking everything over Reading through every line and sentence twice to see what she was missing  She decided to take some time to study the contract just to see This represents our situation some times. You get that job offer or contract or some opportunity but you get that feeling, the intuition not to go with it. We all have experienced this at some point. Going through when we feel otherwise has cost us and when we had listened we were saved from mistakes, hardships or things we never would've foreseen  Turned out in Sydney's cas...

While we still can....

Everyday we cross paths with friends, family, colleagues, our loved ones in general  We go about life as though the next minute is guaranteed  and then it hits us A or B is battling with his or her life. It's no new story to find people facing health challenges soliciting for funds With social media it has even become easier and more rampant to find such solicitations  This however does not guarantee that people get the help they find Our society has become more laid back  We see or hear of the challenges facing our loved ones but we just say 'All of us dey face challenge too' We have the opportunity to ease the situation of those around us To lend a helping hand while early but we turn a blind eye Then the inevitable happens and there's a mad rush left, right and center to show love but then it's late and meaningless to that person  This is no new tale This however is a call to each of us to be our brother's keeper To reach out, show love and care t...

Put on your dancing shoes

At this Naija wedding reception and it was time for DANCING!!! I couldn't have agreed more with the couple's choice of a D'J. He was everything incredible, From one hit song to another Got everyone swinging and on their feet in no time There I was sitted on my table, all glamed up and taking my bite of the small chops when the DJ dropped another song Chhhaaaaiiiiii, two fingers in the air To the left, to the right  As a baby girl on flick I was giving them classy moves on my sit while hailing the DJ At some point it was all eyes on me because I couldn't contain it I definitely needed to track down the DJ after this reception  Well, my food had arrived so another reason delayed me from joining others on the dance floor  As a street credible Babe I couldn't just leave my meal now What if a principality passed by? And it's party jollof rice in question  I dealt sharply with the matter at hand, all the while serving hot moves from my sit, drank my maltin...

Monster Teachers!

Once again another story circulates the social media on teacher's brutality to a pupil this time it's an under 2years old child who was hand bound and flogged 31 strokes by mother and son (the owners of the school) and in the end lost her life We've read countless stories on brutality of children in school by their teachers Children below the age of 6 years can test one's patience which is only natural With this knowledge, why would an adult choose to become a teacher to these young children without patience, proper training and evaluation? Kids sent to school to be taught and cared for come back to their parents emotionally traumatized, scared, scarred, battered and in worst cases end up dead What could possibly be the crimes of these kids? Why the onslaught on kids today? How can such teachers educate or protect kids from being bullied by their fellow kids? What punitive measures are been put in place to check this growing monster? What can be done? Imagin...

My val gone wrong!

'Ma, I'm around your estate,  Ma I'm around your estate You'll see me in 10 minutes' Since morning vendor never reach my house from estate gate Past 5pm number no dey go again Na so e don enter voicemail  Finally na myself I blame No no no, na the truth I blame myself  My spirit bin tell me to do this Valentine codedly for hubby now see wetin Ogechi cause Small neighbourly gist wey I tell Oge how i won really surprise hubby this time around Na so she say she sabi somebody wey go organize the surprise even with complimentary paranra and love card as per Valentine with only chinkini money and they be "tested and trusted" Na so I hurry pay oh Oge never reach  house since yesterday  I don waka go estate gate 4 times, nothing See how everybody status dey uhhhh and ahhhhhh I just dey My hard earned money! Past 8pm I dey receive sms 'Dear customer due to the enormous orders today, we regret to inform you that we would not be able to deliver today ...

Our biggest treasures.

Anyone who has been around me knows I'm the female version of my father I spent so much time with him in my formative years We went everywhere together He taught me to read and write  Taught me alot of values that guide my character and principles today  He was very much involved in everything that concerned me  Many years after I sometimes see myself do things unconsciously like he used to do. The rise of moral decadence, social vices and more are glaring manifestations that the place of parental guidance and relationship is gravely lacking in our society of today We are lost as parents chasing things that are fleeting or ohhhhhhh we're hustling to provide for the kids and give them the best lives? At what cost? We are barely home to instruct and guide them or share any quality time interacting with them to know things going on in their lives and how to step in This is the time when we can make the difference in the live of our kids Now that they're teachable...

Travails of a Naija traveler 2

Deji was resident in Enugu and got an impromptu invite to be in Lagos for an interview by 9am the next day  As a job seeking graduate he couldn't afford to miss any opportunity  So as early as early could permit, he got to the park, got the ticket with the last of his savings and looked forward with hope that this time around everything would favour him. They had barely made it past Enugu when they had tyre trouble Some 50 minutes plus and it was thankfully fixed  Little did the passengers know that this was only the beginning of a very long journey  As the first bus, the idea behind using this was to arrive one's destination in good time on the assumption that the first buses are usually the best Unfortunately this was not the case; it turned out not to be so sound, no air condition even though they paid for it. Oga Driver vehemently refused putting it on on the grounds that it would eat into his fuel so he put in on when he felt the occassion warranted ...

Beauty and the brains

What makes a man appealing? His content or appearance? A good looking person can be striking at first gance but what truly captivates people or sustains interest is what pours out from the inside of a person. Your wealth of information  Charisma  Depth of character  Principles  Empathy  Compassion  Passion The aforementioned are but a few attractive things Few days ago a senatorial aspirant during the course of an interview was asked what struck her the most... Interviewer: What has struck you the most in your political campaign? Aspirant :You mean like lightning thunder kind of struck? How can such a one be capable of handling a leadership or rather political  position? What's the fate of the people she'd be leading? Why do we suppose questions are asked and contestants are engaged intellectually at beauty pageants? Why is the basis for winning not centered on the most physically attractive? Because beauty transcends looks. That doesn't me...

Rome was not built in day!

Nobody woke up to find him or herself knowledgeable, informed, wise, well groomed, excellent in whatever field  It took time It took tears Took sacrifice, sweat, consistency and to crown it all, mistakes ! Yes, making mistakes is a vital part of learning and growing  Every mistake made is another way not to repeat a process again It's a normal life occurrence  It also testifies to one's effort at something  There's no greatness without a story So why are we scared of taking that plunge Of braving the odds and doing what ought to be done Rome was not built in a day  If you fail, try again. That's why nature has gifted us a brand new day everyday as a template that a day closes, one door closes, it cant mark the end of it  Take a chance on yourself today, start that project, go into that venture, give that relationship a try. It's best we grow step by step even with mistakes in tow than to act out as though we know it or got everything figured

Hubby award of the year : Photographer extraordinaire!

I looked exceptionally good if I do say so myself  I had an extra spring in my steps when I was walking into church swaying left right for the heavenly host Everything made sense so it was only natural that after service your Baby girl decided to take some pics Who better could I entrust with such a task if not the one who made me look that beautiful, hubby himself  So I stood there striking pose after pose as he instructed  Guess what? We even changed locations severally  I felt on top of the world with all the ohhhhh and aahhhhhhhhs hubby was dropping here and there Couldn't wait to get my hands on the pictures, post online and allow this beauty grace the world Got home, snuggled up on the couch ready to scroll through the dozens of pics for the best pick First pic: All head and church roof Second pic: I think he was trying to capture the window designs with a touch of myself on the side Third pic: If the intention was to present me as a ghost, then he ...

Assumptions Assumptions

Everybody said that anybody could do, important things that somebody should do, everybody knows that anybody could do all the good things that nobody did. Assumptions Assumptions Assumptions  Had led many astray, destroyed friendships, caused heartbreaks and loss. 'I thought we were on the same page' 'I thought you knew how I felt for you' 'I thought we had concluded on the job' 'I thought A was handling the project'. Assumptions can cause very deadly mistakes. Whatever you do not fully understand, ask for clarification. Do not go on thinking the other party has the same understanding as you. We are humans not mind reading spirits. People deny things that are spelt out, how much more that which is not? John was always around Betty. They shared their pains, thoughts, resources, ideas and more. They were as close as 5&6. Before Betty coughed, John would be there to answer. 2 years down the line, John told Betty he found someone he was in lo...

Are you going my way?

'Are you going my way?' He wasn't even done speaking when my spirit left me. My face wore her best smile and gave a resounding NO! Few minutes ago I stood on the road enjoying the breath of life while waiting for a cab and then Uncle showed up and knocked me off my feet with bad breath. Ohhhhhhhhh don't get started on the 'it might not be his fault, it might be medical.....' For most part these things have to do with how much we take care of ourselves  Personal hygiene cannot be overemphasized  We all know the saying 'cleanliness is next to godliness' This literally means even a person's soul is at jeopardy of getting lost if such a one is unclean  White innerwears have turned brown Deodorant you refused to buy Brush weavon, mba Cream your hair too; no way. Hair be looking all tangled and dry like you're quarreling with greatness  Why do you look rough? It's because I don't have much clothes. This is highly untrue  Our parents...

Pay to grow!

Somethings are best experienced than described, neither can the best of explanations cover it. How do you describe icecream to a person who has never had it? How do your explain what taking timeout for occasional vacation does to a person's body and mind? How do you explain taking a flight or a boat cruise experience? Sometimes we're so caught up in the 'It's alright but it's too expensive I can't afford it'. I remember the first time hubby and I decided to take out time to rest. We had been going through a draining and tough time with our 3 months old baby. So we lodged in a hotel and basically just rested. We didn't have all the money, but that decision was worth every cent spent. For every level we wish to attain, it comes with a price There's no growth that costs nothing There's no development without some levels of financial commitment  It may come in different forms from spending  to buy books to paying for a development class o...

The thief called comparism

In the world of today's adult so many are battling with low self esteem, depression, inferiority complex, envy and more because of a seed called comparism  Comparism amongst children is one way all these takes root Comparism is a thief, that blinds you from seeing the beauty in front of you Parents comparing their kids amongst themselves. You'd sometimes hear 'I dont even know who this one looks like or Why can't you be like your sister? or See how tall your younger sister is but your stubbornness won't allow you grow.... This has created discord and even hatred amongst siblings  We also have parents comparing their children with others children in their community. 'Look at Kelvin, Mr A's son, he has gotten admission and is also on scholarship. Is he not your mate? How many head does he have?' 'See Tony, he has gotten a job and you're still here'. We're constantly comparing and we forget that first, children are a gift from Go...

Due diligence!

Gary her flatmate made alot of money from selling her wigs in December  Ivy ran into millions from her drop shipping business  Not to mention Harley who made so much sales from storage it sounded too good to be true It seemed business was the new gold mine. These were all the signs Kendra needed so 2022, business here we come! She mopped up all of her savings and plunged into a business  It's a mighty fine idea venturing into any business for the purposes of having an alternative source of income or for the passion or any other reason. However, without one doing his due diligence, this can be said to be set up for failure before it even began A business venture without proper plan feasibility study or survey as to the -Type of business  -Needs of those in the target area -Cost implication and many more Kendra took a look amongst her friends and decided to go into the business of the one who made the most profit without seeking guidance or under studying t...

Make that paradigm shift today

Hubby was never a fan of okro when we met. At best I'd say he tolerated it just for the sake of it. Down the line after the I dos, he couldn't get over the fact that okro was amongst my favourite meal. I'd try in every way to get him to join me to no avail but one day he decided to give it a try and he couldn't resist asking for more. His initial resistance to it due to past experiences that were bad was totally forgotten. The same is applicable to our world today New waves and inventions, new formulas and strategies yet some turn a blind eye to it for one reason or the other We have seen it time and again that the times are always changing and those who refuse to change with it become obsolete and fade into oblivion. Remember the days of BlackBerry? How about Nokia? Who would've ever thought that those phones would no longer be in existence today? Change is the only thing constant. In an ever changing time, why stay static? In your business, relationshi...

My wife can never be richer than me

One sunny day in August, a lady came to my mum crying profusely  The story behind her tears is sure heart rending. Her husband had been working with Julius Berger for years and he did absolutely nothing in setting his wife or kids up.He bought flashy cars, spent lavishly on whatever he wanted and traveling whenever the mood struck. To take her mind off troubling her husband for financial aid or dependance she enrolled for MSC, self sponsored herself through local drinks she made and hawked, she also saved up and bought a piece of land which she started building on with the hopes of renting the apartment when she was done.  Suddenly, her husband got sacked, All the company properties were taken back from house to cars and more.  Instantly they became homeless and penniless. The woman he cared less for became the bread winner, the family was forced to move into her uncompleted building and more hence her reason for crying  'My wife can never have her own mo...

You should be a man!

Andre just lost his wife and in the midst of all the consolatory messages, everyone said in the end 'Be a man' John was at the verge of losing his house to foreclosure. Friends said 'Be a man' Timi for the 8th time failed the promotional exams. 'Man up, forget it, you'd ace it next time' The society keeps throwing it on men From childhood you're indoctrinated to the 'Be a man's club' which simply means you're not entitled to any show of emotions no matter what cos those who do a termed weak. Swallow up your hurts, mask the pain in your muscularity, don't shed a tear and if you must, do so behind closed doors, you don't get to talk, truly talk about your feelings  Oh for centuries the men have been taking and holding it in Today, we're all crying out Our men won't open up to us Men are depressed, their life span is shortened blablabla Today, we want them to talk to us after raising them otherwise  We as a new pe...