
Showing posts from January, 2024

Nigeria my country

Today pounds is above #1900 Euro above #1600 Nigeria is on a free fall What is the fate of business owners? What is the fate of the masses? What is the fate of those struggling to make ends meet? Everyone who can influence positive change seems to be silent and about their personal gain. The youths and the intellectuals are on the run daily, out of the country Crime is on the rise Killing seems to have become normal What's going on? I pray Nigeria doesn't become a shadow of itself!


Life is full of choices You choose to go to school You choose not to You choose to work hard and be diligent You can choose not to You choose to lead a life devoid of crime and the likes You also get to choose to live like the area father of the street/community, showing everybody pepper Bottomline is in life, you must make choices. Consciously or unconsciously, we make choices everyday And if you think a choice is hard, so is the alternative. There's no one that is easy. Living a life morally upright seems a boring choice A life of crime however steals your peace Both are all choices. At the end of the day, when the night comes and the curtains fall, we'd have our choices staring us in the face. Do well to choose right today, so you'd have peace with your choices tomorrow.

It's a small world

Had a friend many years back who hubby and I practically helped and stood by them when things were going south. It just seemed we showed up at their worst time. From groceries, to children fees, to settling hospital bills... We decided to visit their house one day and stumbled upon the wife packing their property and upon enquiry, she told us they were relocating the very next day. So if we were just lucky to meet her and the kids. The biggest shocker was that her husband had gotten some sort of NGO job and began getting some cool cash so he decided we didn't qualify to be his friends anymore and cut off communications with us. Years later, we happened to meet and you could see the shocker on their faces like, they didn't expect we'd be able to be in such a place. Right? And then they started asking to visit us. Well, the blessings only got bigger and better and guess who called today? Yes, she called 'My husband and I are planning to ... like you and your h

Do the work, get the results!

Prophet Agaracha screamed meant business as he spoke with so much holy anger 'All of you present here must become millionaires'. He then instructed the congregation to raise their bottle of oil up in the air, they all made some powerful declarations and he asked everyone to drink up all their oil. Unfortunately, years down the line there's no change in the members or the church itself. Exam timetable came out but Precious chose to attend the one week marathon revival conference and according to her, if I take care of God's business, he'd take care of my own. At the end of the conference, miracle pen was shared to everyone. Result came out and Precious bagged 4 carryovers. God exists Miracles exists God has always, and he has never stopped doing wonders But you see, faith without works is...dead! For any result you want to see, My Dear, put in the work! Nobody will do it for you, magic won't happen . No work, no result Stop hiding laziness, idleness u

The cancer of bitterness!

Bitterness   is the right cousin of jealousy. The past two weeks has been crazy; at least, online. From one marriage gbedu to another. Before we conclude on one, another pre-wedding or wedding pictures would be choking the internet space. How about the local ones happening directly around us? Today it's Vekeejames that we're celebrating. Weeks back, an acquaintance called crying about not being married and getting to her mid thirties. Reminded me of myself in 2016, I saw a secondary school classmates wedding invite on Facebook and I became bitter cos at the time I was praying to be married but my relationship was failing badly. I didn't know I had it in me to be bitter for no reason over another person's happy moment. The minute I sensed that feeling I immediately nipped it in the bud sharp sharp. By the next year, I walked down the isle and said 'i do' to the absolute love of my life. For the singles that feel they're left behind and time is pas

Is there no limit?

I can't even begin to imagine this happening to me. Hubby and I are pretty private people, and to think we're not even popular right now. From our wedding to the birth and dedication of our kids, it's all been silent except for occasional posts just because we're private people. Now imagine a celebrity having his wedding invite shared online by somebody. What sort of wickedness is this? Imagine the effrontery with which the poster was even replying even after asking that the post be taken down. What justification does this poster have? Have you thought of the security? Have you thought of the logistics behind the event?   So many factors to consider. When will people learn boundaries? When will people learn respect for other people? Where your right stops is where the right of another begins. Respect respect respect people! Let people have their space  Let people have their peace.

'My Daughter'

'Ahhhhh Chioma is my spiritual daughter'... I was watching Joshua Selman's  message where an elderly man called him 'My don't and he refused it.  Here's his reason 'YOU DON'T REAP WHERE YOU DID NOT INVEST' That's exactly how shocked I was when a Pastor referred to me as his spiritual daughter; How? When? Where? The minute you begin to attain some level of success, everyone would want to lay claim to you. And the minute you refute those claims; problem  Worst off when it's coming from elderly people who barely knew you or family members who contributed nothing to your life or growth. You don't assume because you're elderly or family that you'll have a free pass to somebody's life in their glory days. If you want to be a part of people's glory, start investing in their today, when it's not looking like it, when others are looking away or when everything is not shinning. So that when the bright tomorrow comes,

The unteachable!

The worst kind  of people to deal with are the unteachable ones. Those who know it all so they don't listen to learn. Before you begin the sentence they'd help you state the end. You're trying to explain something, they finish it for you. Before you begin they are already supplying answers and recommendations. Then there are those who know it all through their actions because they refuse to listen to anyone. Whenever one is giving an advice or suggestions, they look you up, rate you, downsize you and sum up your level to be able to even hear you. NOBODY KNOWS IT ALL! Absolutely nobody! Humility will get you everywhere but being unteachable is a disease that leads to nowhere but failure. Humility opens every door, being unteachable closes all doors. Ever had an encounter with such a one before? If you have them as a teammate, they'd cost you many wins Have them as a spouse, it's one fight to another Have them as a boss, your name is sorry. Whatever you do

One more try

To paraphrase Napoleon Hill, he said every failure carries in it a seed with an equivalent or greater result. Alice had all the right qualifications for the job description she was applying for. Opening her mail to find this rejection mail again struck hard. This would be the 13th so far. Some friends who knew she'd been applying had one or two salty thing to say, from those who said 'No be everybody this abroad thing dey work for' , to the ones who said ' Instead of being grateful for where you are, you're trying to hang your hand in a level bigger than you. You already have something good you're doing here. Why the urge to move?'. Great change doesn't just happen.  If you're aiming for something big, most times, even those close to you might not understand you. That's why most dreams are covered until they begin reality for the world to see.  You're the one who knows how much hungerand drive you have. Don't let anything kill

Jealousy in disguise

I was flabbergasted when I came online today to find that Nigerians have gone to dig up  pretty old pictures of Moses Bliss' fiancee Marie. From the minute Nigerians got wind of her and the whirlwind proposal, some people lost sleep and took her as their personal mission. Remember that on the day of her proposal, a Nigerian actor was getting married to a lady termed 'baddie' because of her makeup, dressing and unending PDA between her and her hubby, while Marie came with a floor length gown, no make-up, natural hair and almost no jewelry. The comparison has been endless. It's been one video of Marie, to another. Today it's pictures of her wearing wig and make, and another of her hugging some guy. All these to dent her image I suppose, by those who dug up and circulated the pictures. Now you see why people hide good things happening to them? Nobody knew Johnny Drill got married until he was celebrating his one year anniversary and now he's got a baby.

Here we go again!

2024 has just begun. I'd love to say 'IT'S JUST' the beginning of the year. I know you'd wanna argue and I also agree with you on the flip side BUT... I've had interactions with several younger adults the past few weeks and they seem to be under alot of pressure to deliver, They want to show that they're doing something, that they've got their lives organized and moving on. I'm here to say heeeeyyyyyyyyy, take a chill pill and don't be so so hard on yourself! Yes, we all wanna look back at the end of the year and smile back at all the beautiful things we were able to achieve but how can you do that by mounting so much pressure on yourself? This has pushed many into setting a handout of goals to achieve. Take it easy You can't achieve anything by chasing everything. Relax and sleep on it. If it's one goal, write it out and diligently pursue it. Then you can chase something else after the first goal is achieved. It would be nice


Our beloved son will be clocking 6 years in a bit and good news, his first tooth is about to fall off. He has been running around the house announcing to his dad and I how his tooth is shaking. A joyful moment for us as parents cos it's part of the growth process. The first tooth at that. A beautiful idea came to mind, so I was sharing it with hubby. Thought it would be beautiful to borrow some of these nice western fairytale culture. All through December the kids kept shouting 'Father Christmas' so I thought it was harmless to go further and introduce the kids to the 'Tooth fairy'.  There I was sharing the idea and plans with hubby when he screamed loudly 'You want me to be the tooth fairy, why won't you be the tooth fairy?' BUSTED!!! Our son heard us and went into a fit of laughter and wouldn't stop. Then he went on to chant 'mummy wants to be a tooth fairy'. Small modern Mummy package I wanted to form, hubby and his son just...

Beautiful Love!

See me grinning from ear to ear as I watched Actor Kunle Remi and his beautiful wife Tiwi from the party of yesterday, to the traditional marriage of today, one couldn't help but go with the awwwwwwwwwwww siren train . Don't listen to anyone who says love is not sweet! The way they complement each other's craze, their vibes, their smile, their laugh, their dance, and to see their friends sharing in the joy!!! It's not a faking thing. Only to return online and it was another banger! Nigerian gospel singer Moses Bliss just got engaged to his heart throb Marie. It wasn't just getting engaged, but everything that led to the engagement.  He flew thousands of miles from Nigeria to London Wrote her a song, and performed it with an orchestra at the surprise proposal he planned for her with her family. There he was singing his heart out to her as she stood in front of him on all in of her beauty, crying a river. Trust me it was so beautiful to watch and to see th


'She was adopted so'... Mr Chukwudu's death be became the end to everything called family in his home. He was a very intentional and caring man so, when he found out he was terminally ill, he quickly put up his will without the knowledge of any member of his family. Upon his death, all hell broke loose. Everyone was trying to grab one thing or the other for themselves. It was on one of such occasions when Tracy tried to stop her younger brother from taking something out of the house that he dropped the bomb on her, telling her she was adopted and as such wasn't a legitimate part of their family. The Chukwudu's as a young couple had been trying for a child for over seven years. Doctors said they were fine, but nothing seemed to be happening for them. The couple finally decided to adopt and that's how Tracy came into their lives. Her presence marked an all round open door for the family cos immediately, they conceived and had a bouncing baby boy, busin

Johnny just come!

Story! story!! Once upon a time! My beloved people, this Oyibo land that I entered, I've been respecting myself oh. Google map has become my best friend. I don't try to show myself at all, I've been following hubby around like we're some kind of Siamese twins. There are so many fascinating things to see here that if you're not attentive and smart, you'd find yourself in another world. So, we had a Doctor's appointment today and the whole family went. Tests and examinations went smoothly We hopped on the trail back. The kids won't stop singing in the train and pointing at things, from one stop to another. They were having the time of their lives until it got to our stop. Hubby and the Baby girl got off but our son refused alighting. While we were at this back and forth of 'come down, come down' my people, that's how the doors to the train shut and the train sped off. The miracle was that I was behind him. First, I thanked God that

The oyibo way!

Kpom kpom kpom I've come to report myself oh . Hmmmmmmm Last year ended on a high note for my family, we RELOCATED!!! Based on the foregoing, we have alot of registratios to do. So today, I had an appointment to do some government registration. The kids were super hyper, and getting them dressed and ready was a true battle, from one thing to another; water, poo poo, missing hand gloves... You needed to have seen how we were running to catch the speed train. Missed the first, the next one was 6 minutes late. By this time hubby and I were sweating profusely under a -6⁰ weather. My eyes were already red and my people it was rightly so. In short, I should've been crying pepper if I had known. Appointment was for 4:30pm, we got to the venue by 4:03pm.  Guess what? Oyibo people said they've closed for the day that we should go and reschedule our appointment. I tried playing the Nigerian pity card with the kids 😆😆😆😆😆😂😂😂, my people, e no work oh. That's how


Tobi was one of the surest guy in my street. As calm, cool and collected as can be. Never gave anyone trouble, always neatly and sharply dressed. As an only child, he was indeed his mother's pride, and since his father abandoned them from his teenage age, he was literally her everything. It was beautiful watching mother and son take walks every evening, or go to market together and whenever he could pull her, they'd go jogging 🤣. Years later after several failed attempts to gain admission, he enrolled into the Nigerian Army. You needed to have seen the hero's welcome his mum gave him the first time he came home in his uniform. The whole street heard her voice and of course, everyone brought gifts to celebrate with Tobi and his Mum. It marked a new beginning for the family as his family began living well, his Mum began looking so much fresh and beautiful. Tobi was now the breadwinner of the home. Tobi got posted to Maiduguri and had so many tales to tell wheneve

What's going on?

Seeing this picture above opened up a sad memory. A clergy friend of my Dad was peacefully sleeping in his house with his family when this unknown gun men stormed his house and just like that, him, his wife and two kids were kidnapped. They began demanding crazy ransom, running into good millions. First the husband was released, to go find more money for the release of the others, then his wife came next(she ended in the hospital), and then one child. After payment of the ransom for the last child, they got a call from the leader of the gang saying their son was no longer going to be released as he the leader has adopted him. It's going to be a year in a matter of weeks and till date we haven't heard about that boy, a 200level university student. Can you begin to imagine the trauma? Today, it's another family kidnapped from their home and ransom demanded. After releasing the father to go look for money, you kill one of the kidnapped daughter, a 400level student

Entitled entitlement

Hey you! Yes you! There's no point turning around cos you know it's you I'm about addressing. What in God's beautiful name makes you feel the money your sibling or some relation worked to garner, belongs to you in some sort of way? You get angry your brother buys a property, you get vexed that your sister buys a car. How about when they buy for their spouse? You'd almost go into coma. You know all the better things that could've spent their money on. You know all the super investments. Yet you do nothing but bring down their phones with calls, make requests and explode when they're not granted. My people, there's dignity in labour. Nobody owes you anything Orphans survive everyday Widows, widowers survive everyday How about those simply abandoned? They survive. YOU, however owe yourself the responsibility/duty to succeed. You said your Uncle didn't give you school fees, so you ran and put his name on the altar to die. Hahahahaha Forget th

Just reward!

In honesty when you hear karma is real, it's true. The way we live our lives are seeds sown and  what becomes of we and even our generations are tied to the results of these seeds. Sometimes we wonder why some families are living out negative live and some others, everywhere they step in someone is willing to help them? It's all in the seed. Give and it will be given unto you, good measure, press down, shaking together and running over. That's what the Bible says. Same Bible enjoins us not to be weary in well doing, for we shall surely reap if we faint not. This is because sometimes it looks like there are no fruits to back up the seeds of goodness sown or it might seem like the bad people are just getting away with the things they do. That's not true because sooner or later the results will show. Hubby and I are living proof of those who are enjoying the fruits of the good seeds sown. At one point hubby and I literally put our lives on hold for almost two y


Have you seen how people celebrate when others fail or something unfortunate happens to them? Have you seen how people address the misfortune of others to be tied to one thing or the other? Have you noticed that when one misfortune or ill story about somebody comes out it's like a floodgate of stories ís open. They say when it rains, it pours. Are you part of those who celebrate the downfall of others. Yes, you're not saying anything but your heart is doing all the twirling and somersaulting. Have you ever go en it a thought that some people are actually doing their best? Unfortunately, life doesn't care of you're doing your best so, the end up finding ways to help themselves. That person you're calling shameless because he/she is going all out to help him or herself, have you thought of giving a helping hand? You criticize the job they do but youv9ne er stretched out your hand in giving. You know the right way everything should be done but you've ne

What matters?

Beyond the butterflies in your belly and the tingly feeling you get from seeing or being close to the person you're in love it, a true partnership needs more. The story of a lady comes to mind. She worked so hard with her husband and was able to move from our Naija 'to the abroad'  which is a pretty laudable achievement. 18 years later, there's nothing to show but sorrows. Both partners are working, healthy, loving and caring, but different financial principles. She does everything to save up for the home, manage their resources to match their needs as well as service their mortgage. Her husband on the other hand will stop at nothing to buy flashing things, even at the expense of the family wellbeing, feeding and paying of utilities and more. From one fancy wrist watch, clothes, shoes, belts, sunglasses and more, to another without care for how the family will fare. He could spend the last of their resources and even take loans to finance his craving. It'

Life choices!

'Please can you guys give me a minute to just rest my back? I'm truly exhausted' hubby said to the kids. I think his sorry puppy face made him look even more vulnerable and powerless that they ran around the house the more and even went as far as jumping all over him. I remember the days of silence I remember our early days of marriage We decided we were gonna wait a year at least before trying for kids but destiny had a different plan. Few weeks in i became round and before you know it the first baby popped and we decided, why not have the second and be done with childbirth? And so we did. Little by little, our lives were changed, and without realizing what we were doing, we had unconsciously stepped into another phase of a lifelong commitment to two innocent souls. Some days you're exhausted, some days you're ill, some days you just want to be alone, but there's that little voce that reminds you that this noise from the kids is somebody's praye

... I knew it!

With voices raised so loud one can hear them pass judgment with so much conviction. Men who traded a saint for a renowned criminal are the people you're hoping on? I remember the story of the woman caught in adultery. The simple instruction 'He who is without sin should cast the first stone' had everybody disappear within seconds. Today some don't even bother throwing stones. They just lift a mountain and haul it at their target. It's very easy to judge It's very easy to point fingers It's very easy to laugh at people when they fail or fall It's very easy to say things And yeah, we might even count our vile words or our clamour for their heads as nothing until it is us or our loved ones facing judgement from people. The people who have made mistakes in life and got a second chance are those who understand what forgiveness and restoration truly is. You can never understand a pain you've never felt. Aunty/Uncle, there's a morality and b

You never know!

It started off as a joke, two people rambling online, until the tweet went viral. A very random post of someone talking about waking up early to cook for her husband. From the pictures displayed online, one can tell the young couple has little or next to nothing to their names, purely a union born out of love. Pregnant and probably lazing about tired, I'm guessing this lady took her phone and made the random reply to the tweet, not knowing that her simple tweet of few lines was going to drastically change the lives of herself and her husband. Today, she has gone from a bedsitter to a house, furnished, gift of tv with a year's subscription, a car, fuel voucher for 200k, fridge, microwave, how about the cash gift that has run into millions? Tickets to travel, job offers and more. Bottomline is, YOU NEVER KNOW WHERE, WHEN OR HOW YOUR BLESSING WILL SHOW UP! The woman in question and her husband are both graduates and I'm sure they're hardworking people, trying t

Be You!

I belong to a closed group strictly for women and recently the admins of the group decided to provided the members opportunity to post stories of their experiences or problems anonymously and it just seems all floodgates were opened. It's been from one marital complaint to the other, what stood out most was the amount of women going through disappointments from their partners.  From those who were made fake proposals to those who even got married only to find that they were deceived into marriage and most of all, those whose spouses did a 360⁰ change in the marriage. Gradually, most of these women decided to take revenge and a good number of them decided that they'd do the same things the men were doing, in order to hurt the men. This is where I got sad! Do not change who you are because you want to hurt somebody  How do you decide to taint yourself because of somebody? You decide to cheat, lie, become a shadow of the real you just to take revenge. In the course of

Everything counts: Go for more!

I went for an interview yesterday, a sudden opening just came up in my husband's company, a very hot deal at that one that required URGENT response. Heard of the opportunity on Wednesday afternoon, scheduled an appointment for interview by afternoon the very next day. The position I was interviewing for was something outside the straight jacket practice of law that I studied. Got to the interview however and the questions that began to come up where things I had personally chosen to learn along the way as I progressed in my studies and life generally. That interview stood as an eye opener for me that no single knowledge in life is a waste. That thing you're learning today, you never know when the skill or knowledge will be called for. Where could I have manufactured experiences within the the time frame of one day to stand for an interview? Any opportunity that presents itself before you, utilize it to learn something new. Do not allow any chance you have go to wast

Nigeria my country!

Knock knock My Darling people Have you heard the latest? I'm yet to recover oh I read yesterday but... Fuel pump price is to be increased to #1200 again? Hahaha Have you seen the budget for 2024? I'm thinking at this point, the only way our beloved country can be restored back to it's sanity is by the youths rising up and demanding for what is rightfully theirs. What in the budget shows that there's any plan for the Nigerian people? What in anything shows that the government feels the pains of the people? My Darling people, the time is now oh If you know any legitimate means to help yourself hmmmmm please do oh  Pick your slippers, dust it and run that heavenly race to your freedom. You need it!

To be forewarned is to be...

We used to have this neighbour who was good at taking every kind of herb. She'd always say nature had the answer or better still, solution to everything. If Mummy Taiwo had stomach ache, then be rest assured she had something for it Fever, toothache, leg pain,  Any illness you can think of, she had the herb for it At some point she started advertising in our neighborhood So many fell for it But then with the little knowledge of biological sciences that my siblings and I had, we'd always caution our parents against Indulging in such It looked like we didn't know what's up Or we had too much money to spend, going to the pharmacy to get drugs Until one day Mummy Taiwo became seriously ill Her herbs were not making any difference Her children began praying and next thing you know, she was admitted in the hospital by then, it was way too late and in no time, her body caved in. Kidney and liver packed up. See that woman selling Agbo that you are patronizing anyhow

Success has many fathers!

2018 through 2021 was a rollercoaster for my family Hubby and I had people laughing at us Taunting us  And saying all manner of things behind us. Some eventually got to our ears but then... I remember hubby decided to use our car to taxi people around, within and outside the state just so we can have food on our table and boy, did people laugh at us? You can't even begin to imagine They laughed, but not a single soul gave us a dime in our deep struggles. Kisses to the best hubby in the world, cos he never for one day gave up, neither did he become ashamed and hide out at home while we suffer. 2023 was like floodgates of miracles opened for us and it just became from one crazy testimony to another mind-blowing miracle. We were counting blessings back to back. And yes 2024 is just two days in but already have testimonies. Today I got a call from yet another person who has never bothered to ring up my number in years but called today because he heard of one miracle that ca

January 1 2024

I decided to wait to almost midnight to post today As you can see, 2024 has begun and day 1 is already out of the equation I've not even gone far and I'm hearing somebody's voice at the back shouting 'Don't pressure me!' Unfortunately and also fortunately for you My Dear, my goal for you this year is to press your neck until you a hirve something for yourself. Don't come at me with the line that the year is just began and you know what you're doing. Ok ok, what are your plans for the year 2024? Have you written them down? Oya show me. ...Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it...                        Habakkuk 2:2 This year, we're taking it by force We're gonna be working to achieve those dreams We're not making excuses We're not slowing down to negative voices There's no time to consider people's opinion This year is locked in and we're gonna be getting everything we set o