
Showing posts from October, 2023


I understand when people say they need help but you see me, I've had too many bad experiences watching those who came to live to live with my parents while growing up. It's from living with them I understood when the Bible said the heart of men are desperately wicked. Ahhhhh don't go the route of 'if you treat them nicely...' My Dad gave anyone living with us preferential treatments; paid their fees first, bought their textbook first, Christmas clothes and shoes nkor? He bought theirs first. Yet, there were those who stolen from us, sold our stuffs, got pregnant and tried to frame someone up, how about the one that but t our house and ran off? If not for heaven sent neighbours back then, we'd have all burnt to death. Today the news of a 14year old is online. She, alongside her two friends, went  and killed the lady who she was staying with for just three weeks. The deceased was a lecturer of FUT Minna, and three weeks into living with the help, could


I've seen him do wonders I've seen him show up for me when I least expected any help, when I thought I was all alone and no one could help me, Times when I thought the situation I was going through would definitely swallow me. People laugh when he's mentioned Others choose outrightly not to give him a chance, not to believe in him at all. Some for funny reasons, some reasons they find justifiable. However, the summation of everything is that, God exists and believe it or not, we all need him. In a world, where all else is failing, the people are broken, love has been traded for in exchange with pursut of material gains, systems are folding, trust is gone, remember that God sure exists. There would be days when you'd be standing on your last leg Days when you've decided to end it all Days you're lost and alone But you can trust God  Have faith in his Almighty power, Trust him to deliver. He has never failed once and he'd never fail now.

A happy Sunday!

Mummy Sandra has been a wonderful neighbour. Jovial, soft spoken and always wearing a warm smile. So when she invited me to be her guest in her church for her child dedication, I didn't hesitate to honour it. As a sweet 16, I put on my gele for the pari, land inside church and ushers directed me to a section to sit. My people, it looked like they were selecting people who say in that section oh. Men of timber and caliber, men looking like balanced accounts in pounds and dollars. Skin like milk, voice like music, everything soft. I should've known this was a setup oh. Time for dedication and this section of people were making it rain.  I just saw purses opening anyhow everywhere, bundles on bundles. Ahhhhhhh Oluwa ohhhh, how did I manage to find myself here na? People I'm here writing from a place of 'God abeg' because I've been covering with big girls dance since and it's looking like it's only my purse that is still closed. The way they'


Growing up, one of my greatest dread was getting married to the wrong person. Marriage is one of God's most beautiful love idea. Nothing beats seeing a couple who are truly in love; you'd just want the love cupid to strike you immediately. Those lucky to find such have every reason to be shouting it at the top of their lungs cos what our society today has to offer is a shadow of the real deal. Praise be to God because he heard my heart cry and gave me the best man this world could ever have. I watched a lady break down in tears today as she narrated how she went from a hundred to zero all in the name of marriage. A sophisticated, wealthy and brilliant lady, with so much to her name becoming a shadow and a begger. That man or woman you're involved with, what are the kind of conversations you have? When you're discussing does his opinions or values, sound like something you can live with? Do they strike you as a person who'd be happy and push you towards y

Let your success do the talking

The only bird that dares to attack the eagle, is a raven. It sits on its back and pecks it's neck. But the eagle does not answer and does not fight, does not waste time and energy with him. He just opens his wings and start flying as high as possible. And the higher it rises, the harder it becomes for the raven yo breathe...and in the end it falls, due to lack of oxygen. Faced with this example, do you want some advice? Don't waste your time and energy with crows, don't stoop to their level. You fly high, as high as you can, and they will fall by themselves.                             Author: Unknown This right here, sums up the life of some of us. The ones they least expected to succeed. There's nothing that hasn't been said. And even right now more conversations are on going. The beautiful part however is that the best reply to such situations is when your success slaps them hard right across the cheeks. They wake up to find that inspire of everything

Crazy times!

It's a crazy time we live in. What is truly going on? What's the justification for the moral decadence amongst this generation? Almost everyone seems to be loosing it. The few working honestly are made to look like they're loosing out. What we used to know and what is right now, is a far cry from each other. I remember coming home one day and giving my day oranges. He questioned me and was sure of the source before he accepted it from me. Today teenage boys are buying Benz and we have explanations for it And little girls? They're not left out. Check their Instagram handles and you'd find them posting pictures from one flashy a d expensive place, to the other, designers, expensive wines and jewelries their parents can't afford  . So, w ho's funding their lifestyle? The honest guy working his way, sees this and begins to tell himself he's a loser. His peers, the society, family and dependents all press in with their different forms of pressure.

Green grass!

 Just read a post about Tyrese's ex wife saying she was open to reconciliation. A woman who went all out to make sure she got him. Hired 5 lawyers for the divorce, her moves were so crazy the man cried on tv begging. What was his offence? Nothing! She couldn't point to anything. Three years later you're open for reconciliation? Trying to return do you'd finish him off? Most likely looking like it. This reminds me of hubby's school mate who had some marital issues. Her hubby was a perfect gentleman and was willing to put in his best efforts to make the marriage work. She on the other hand, felt on top of the world, and wanted the man to make all the sacrifices. Hubby tried his best to meditate between them but it failed. On the advice of another classmate, she almost injured her husband and got her brothers to help pack her things and that's how marriage ended. After she left, she then discovered the lady who adviced her to leave her marriage was in w

Dear music minister!

Dear music minister, The minute they called you up on stage, our hearts were all tuned in anticipation So which one come be 'Open up your heart and let's be in the mood of worship?' Next thing you enter 'This is not about me, it's not about the voice, it's not about...' I know we want to see Jesus but if it's just a random thing, we wouldn't have invited you as guest artist in our church program na. We should've handed the mic to anyone in church to lead us in songs. Fifteen minutes into presentation you never sing one song. From humming one chant to another, you say you're building atmosphere.  Next you enter scriptural exegesis. See Brother Philemon that was standing beside me is now sitting down.  Infact two Mama in my front are competing for who will dose off first. Ma/Sir, did you rehearse at all? Or, you forgot most of the songs? Another five minutes speaking in tongues, and Mummy Taiwo has started thinking of the soup she&#

Date etiquettes!

Quick one! My people I need to ask these pertinent questions. Is there a law that the man has to pay for a date? Is there also an unwritten code I might not be aware of that says when you're on a date you should eat and orders stuffs like it's your last supper? How about going on a date and carrying your friends along? Today it was a woman I saw who brought her three kids along on a date. I also watched a clip where a man tried matchmaking his lady friend and a male friend. First of all the lady said the guy must order for an Uber for her, as the date progressed, the guy asked her to have whatever she wanted. Aunty ordered and ate almost 200k How do ladies do all these magic? I'm trying hard to believe it's not only the women that do this. You go on a date, you'll eat and eat and even ask for takeaway meanwhile you have no penny in contribution to what you both consumed in the course of the date. I learnt first hand from my Dad NEVER to go anywhere witho

Testing My God!

Today, You see the word of God? Word of God pierced my heart! If my memory serves me correctly, there was even tears involved. Ahhhhhh Pastor gave us the word of truth Going home, I walked out with some much humility and the HolyGhost. Driving home, I didn't even do the usual screaming as I was co-piloting with hubby. Hubby could sense my gentle demeanor cos the HolyGhost was actively working in me. I couldn't stop humming along to the worship that was sang in church as I went about my chores  ' Receive, this pleasing sacrifice,  I am, your worship Accept, this living sacrifice, I am, your worship' For sure Brother Dunsin Oyekan was in the spirit when he composed this wonderful verse. High and at the verge of kabashing, I walked into our bedroom to find hubby's clothes sprawled out on the chair . My holy charged battery guage went from 99% to 1%. I was almost at the verge of entering the world. But come to to think of it, why do people like testing you t

Their opinions? Doesn't matter!

You see this life, you can't please everybody and no matter what you do, there are those who are hell bent on maintaining their opinion of you. If it's not plain madness please explain these category of persons to me. First, how  you see someone you've never met before, no link between you both, no previous encounter, you're just seeing them for the first time and they've already formed an opinion of who you are and what they perceive you to be. So I went visiting hubby one time before we got married and I met a friend of his and with all excitement I greeted him as hubby introduced us, shook his hands firmly and we got talking. Hubby was to tell me that upon my departure, Mr friend said he didn't like women like me because we are too forward and opinionated. Well, thankfully he wasn't the one I was dating. Secondly, those whose minds are made upon about who you are simply because somebody said something to them about you. They've not had any

Bank robbery!

We woke up to news of a banker who stole over 14million Naira from the account of one customer and had applied for loans from his bank in the name of a customer. Reason? To gather enough money so he can abscond with the funds. Can wonders ever end? It is bad enough that the government has been throwing up obnoxious policies that have been throwing us the masses into more economic downturns.  But to have a banker in whose bank one committed his hard earned finances into, steal such funds and abscond seems way out of the line. But then this is not the first time. There are numerous stories of people like that whose funds had mysteriously disappeared from their accounts. I think the worst of this is a case where the lady had been toiling so hard abroad for over a decade and had been saving up her funds in a Nigerian bank, only for her to return and invest her money just to discover that she has been the product of a scam and all her monies disappeared.  Or the lady who over #4

No go dey do pass yourself!

As a matter of principle, I live life within the means of what I can afford and the sweetest part of it all, God blessed me with a man who's of the same mindset as i. So, a guy came for school reunion with his elder brother's car and was posing left and right. He couldn't keep his hands down for a second given that he hung the car key on his fingers. My people, reunion was far gone when bros elder brother showed up as he tracked the car to the reunion venue. Embarrassed oga by screaming 'How many have I warned you not to take this car out?' took the car key and drove away. From the look on his face oga was definitely wishing he'd disappear into thin air. I found out that in order to look good, people borrow weavons, hire clothes to occasions and all what not. A mutual friend's wedding is coming up next week. She pegged her ashebi at #30,000 and has been on our neck with calls to make payment. Omor, I jejely declined oh. With the economy and all t

Professional beggers

What's with the new trend of people begging up and down? This week I've been harassed with at least three different pity stories and worst of all is using kids to beg. This unfortunately has become the lifestyle of alot of people now No time when it comes to go work, Hustling is not an option Preying on anyone gullible is the end game . They're everywhere Going from house to house Visiting churches Hanging around banks or ATMs  Exploiting those who have empathy for people going through stuffs. We used to have this neighbour years ago, a couple who had a little boy living with them. They relocated and many years past, I was just sitting the corridor to my Dad's house, trying to relax when a guy strolled to the house.  Guess who he turned out to be? The little boy living with that couple years ago Gave me some sob story of how he came to our town to do a job but somehow ended up stranded. I was more excited upon seeing him again after over 10years that nothing

Brother palliative!

The minute we heard 'Mummy where's my food?', we all knew there was kasala and the food if not every edible thing in the kitchen had been cleared off. As kids, our last born was one who wasn't so into food so it was always a joy to have Mum send us to feed him because whoever did was simply entitled to double portion of food. In the sense that, whoever fed him was virtually entitled to the food as he barely eats. Many years later and the cub has grown into a full fledged lion. Oga decided that it was payback time. He eats portions meant for at least two or three persons and tells us he's making up for all his food we ate years ago. Whenever food is ready and for any reason he goes into the kitchen, before you, forget it. It's always like a tsunami hit the kitchen. All you'd have left are dirty dishes saluting you whenever you choose to show up; hence if cooking is going on everyone stylishly hangs around to take theirs immediately the food is rea


I have a pressing question. Why is it that most times we always end up loosing those things we hold dearly or protect closely or falling for things we dread? The children roaming round the street aimlessly, without guidance, go about their lives freely, but the kids that are protected in gated houses are the ones kidnappers go after. How about the kids so often pampered and well fed? They're the ones falling sick often, meanwhile the kids on the street go about their merry way, always bouncing. Reminds me of a boy on our street, while growing up. We played, did all the kids stuff and we all knew at night he slept on the street cos he had no known family or relatives around. He survived on the good will and benevolence of neighbours. However, I hardly have any memory of him being sick, or knocked down that he couldn't come around. Yet we the golden geese, were sure to collect treatment every month. OMOR NA GOD DEY HELP US OH!

Fake o'clock!

Church o'clock and yours truly was all decked up in power and glory with the backing of hubby overdo and my two superhero kids, I was ready and burning in the HolyGhost. As your beloveth sister entered the place I put on my dancing shoes. Oblivious to anything and anyone, I was worshipping my God. Close of service and one sister in Christ came to whisper 'i heard those ladies over there saying you're always feeling to important'. My Dear people, what's my own? I went about my merry way laughing. Some persons don't just like you because you have refused to be like them. So your existence irritates them. That's the simple explanation to the gossip. I knew when their ring leader Onyinye got married. From a humble background, with nothing, and after waiting for ages to get married, God finally blessed her and she made a solemn vow that other single ladies will not know peace. Onyinye NEVER repeated clothes for Sunday services for as long as I can rem

No time for argument!

I saw the question above and quickly screen grabbed it. First of, it was a funny one to me because I can't remember hubby and I getting into any heated arguements and it's been over 6 years of marriage. Someone out there might say it's not possible or that we lie; well Dear it's very much real and the fact that you don't enjoy something or know people who enjoy those things doesn't mean they're none existent. Hubby and I do talk alot,  We don't sleep angry We don't carry grudges We're not about who is at fault but how to fix things. However, while courting, it was like a battlefield. Two strongly opinionated and driven people? We were always disagreeing about something, difference in perspective and opinions... One day after one of those heated exchanges, hubby, my then fiance, asked me if this was how our marriage would be. Today I'm thankful for all those times of differences because it helped us in understanding each other, tau

Are you ready?

Hubby got me this sleek, expensive car I was over the moon Popped the wine Did my baby dance Took pictures in the car Enough paparazzi to fill an album Over two weeks and I was yet to drive the car out There's no form of sermon hubby didn't preach oh Well, one day I had to do the school run, hubby was out of town and there I was staring at the car Of course I finally drove the car, with my heart beating I prayed to and fro that no one would bash me my expensive car, I drove so carefully, It was such a funny experience but then, I did it anyway. Bottom line is, so many times we're praying or wishing for things to come our way and then when it finally shows up we're not ready for it, we do not have the capacity to handle it. See why sometimes those your prayers aren't answered? God might just be saving you from yourself. On the other hand when you're faced with a challenge or task, just begin. Afraid, or you do not possess all the requisite know how? B


I love love love to cook  I love trying out new recipe I love to experiment in the kitchen God being so kind, he gave me a man who loves my cooking. It's been awhile I tried out something new Today, I went all out from breakfast, to lunch. I decided to close the day with a mouth watering dinner that required dedication of time and skill so I took my sweet good time in making it. Dinner was set and I called hubby He was shocked to find that I was serving him again 'Baby, it's almost 11pm at night and you're still feeding me? Can you see how big my stomach is growing?' he mumbled, but still went on to help himself.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Well, this post is a shout out to those loving husband's or partners who have willingly submitted themselves to be our guinea pigs. You need to see hubby's face when some dishes come out, or when his tongue is practically on fire from too much spice or pepper, or when he will enter into some bond with flagyl? 🤣🤣🤣 Saw a siste

Hype man!

The minute the band leader started singing, it was quite obvious that everybody would eventually end the day on their feet. By the third song, I already knew this dance floor won't contain all of us. I completely forget every and any other thing I was to be engaged in. The band was indeed dropping hit song after hit song Unfortunately for me,I was so carried away dancing that I failed to realize I had landed in front of the singers. Wetin my eyes no see? My people, that's how this band began with your sister oh.  Singing and hailing! When they began with the hyping, I knew it was gonna be wahala! This guys  hailed and hailed and your's truly was spraying and spraying End result, I didn't know when I sprayed ALL MY MONEY!😭😭😭😭😭 Ever encountered those praise singers in any ocassion?  If you haven't, my sister, avoiding them is the principal thing cos next minute you'd be spraying your house rent if you're not careful. EVER ENCOUNTERED THEM?


Two days ago, hubby and I happened to be in an unpleasant situation. Some young guys we know from church were having a confrontation with some street urchins. It was so heated and was leading to a deadly fight. At some point the guys from the street claimed those from our church were the agressors. How can that be? We found this to be very funny to believe because   these are guys we know not only in church but down to their homes, including their family members. If it were to be in the days of old, we would've sworn an oath in defence of these guys without giving it a second thought. We got so mad and called to cops on the street guys. Long story short, we found that our guys were actually the agressors. We were not only in shock, but also heartbroken. Reminds me of a time hubby and I signed up as guarantors for somebody to get a job. It sounded like an unreal movie when we were called up because the person stole money running into millions. It was just by God's gr

Keep them at bay!

Aunty, why is everyone walking in and out of your house like a public parlour? Hello Mr Bernard, can you calm down?   You just met that guy and just over two bottles of heneiken you're already calling him 'My blossom friend'. Chikkkkkkaaaaaaa shhhhhhhhhhhh, haba! Three weeks friendship and she knows your life history, down to the road leading to your house in the village? A lady saw her friend suffering badly after facing retrenchment from her previous job and decided to help her so she brought her friend into her start up company  and before you know, her friend  took over the control of the company. Not everyone deserves access to your life. some persons should just be for ',:Hi, how are you '?

Two fighting!o it

The devil came again today! I remember making a solemn pledge to myself, never to engage in any physical exchange in a bid to settle any disagreement or as a form of confrontation. There are two occasions imprinted in my memory from my secondary school days, that informed my decision, one of them being that I sent a classmate bleeding profusely to the school sick bay just by pushing her for writing my name in the list of noise makers when I never made noise. Today devil decided to try me. Something as silly as 'please you can't park your car here? Oga decided to draw the sword. And everywhere people were coming out to stand for me. Has a person ever provoked you to the point of loosing your cool to go physical?. Fighting is a no no now because you never know what the outcome from these fights might be. Many have killed or caused themselves serious bodily harm for engaging in a

Iya Basira dey disguise!

You should have principles,  Etiquette, manners, yenyenyen Don't do this Don't do that A million things on the list to do and not to do. There's always a BUT oh! Have you ever eaten a sumptuous meal that made you forget all your manners? Well, I have! The first day I went to be introduced to my parent-in-law, it was going all nice and smooth, everyone had a smile. AND THEN FOOD WAS SERVED!!! My Darling people, that was how yours truly forgot all her manners. I ate the first plate as the fine girl guest that I was. Then unfortunately for me My wonderful Mother-in-law decided to ask if I wanted more. I doing the initial shakara until she said 'feel at home'. That was how I placed my second order Next thing, my home training was walking out of my bodyas I saw myself eating like a hoodlum. My people, I really felt at home oh See me spread out like the eagle by the time I was done. It was at this point I understood Esau trading his birthright for a pot of pot

Sibling life!

What is it na? Na crime to get siblings? I no like this kind thing oh Person go get siblings e come be problem? Na times like this I dey wish say na only me my Mama born. Anybody follow me come from family wey dem many? You buy Tshirts, dem go just give you the honourary privilege of being the first person to wear the clothes. Next thing you know, you no go see clothe wey you buy again unless on top person body. You use your small savings say make you buy one or two snacks just take hold body? Den you do mistake carry am reach house? My Dear, na everybody go follow you chop am oh. One person go hide food, another go discover am and chop. Person go cook, before e turn,spoons don appear, food don disappear. But if Mama start dey shout for message, na so house go turn dessert, everybody go turn deaf and dumb or quietly disappear. Today na as I dey, na red eyes I dey use write oh. Designee shirt wey I go buy make I use chokemy enemies na him I dey find so. Who move my shirt? No

Happy teacher's day!

Growing up , one time in my teenage years, my church had a workshop for children and I was amongst those selected to help teach and chaperone the children. At the beginning of the workshop, I didn't find anything funny because I couldn't understand why the kids wouldn't just behave!  Why wouldn't they just sit still, stop with the fussing, running around, screaming and petty fights?  My patience was indeed tested and I said I couldn't take it at all, until another teacher spoke to me. She made me understand that they were simply kids and as such were only being their natural selves by all the displays. That experience taught me to be different with kids. Kids are special mini adults. This special set of persons require all the love and patience a person has to be able to work with them. That's what disnguishes teachers. I've met those who are so short on patience and tolerance for kids, they end up flogging, scaring and even injuring the kids in

Beauty is truly in the...

So, hubby kept hurrying me to dress up. Said he has something to show me urgently and it couldn't wait for me to doll up. He most certainly picked my outfit cos everything I showed him looked good to me. Before I could realize what was going on, he was practically shoving me out the door and into the car and off we went. Next location, was a sort of inner circle party for a handful of friend. And yes, they were well dressed in a pretend casual manner. Hubby was having the time of his life, grinning from ear to ear and was all touchy. On and on he went, occasionally throwing compliments here and there, making passes, stealing glances. It sure was a great night until I was staring at myself in the full length mirror in the convenience. No wonder hubby kept on going. The son of man was trying to make up with words, for decking like a psycho! I'm looking at the mirror and all I'm thinking is what's got hubby so turned on if the lady staring back at me in the mir

Keep pushing regardless!

Today happens to be one of those days where I pick up my pen and it's giving nothing. The blank page staring at me on my system has me creasing my brow. Maybe it'll be better with my phone I think, but here I am! Writer's block! The same goes for any job occupation. One minute you're spitting fire and solutions, getting applause and recognition, next minute it's dead silence. The quiet times doesn't take away from who you are or what you're capable of. Try to restart, reorganize, change your strategy. Or better still, just shut it down and take a walk! Fresh air! The heavens won't fall, the world won't come to an end. If it's not giving, just know that it's normal. Everybody needs a refill and recharge at some point.

Trust in your process.

2016, I came online to find the wedding invite of a secondary school classmate. We used to be somewhat close and as usual, life happened and we all went our ways. Seeing the wedding invite got to me so so much, almost bodder line jealous. I wasn't jealous in the negative to wish her evil, I just  thought my life was stagnant. It felt like everyone was making some sort of progress while I was stuck there, in one spot, just watching them go and grow. The narrative above wasn't really true but life was happening to me. However that the rain is falling on your roof today, doesn't mean the sun won't come shinning brightly tomorrow. How do you measure success or progress? Everyone is moving in this space called 'life' on theirown pace. You begin to sink when you start comparing yourself or your progress with those around you. I was comparing myself and feeling sad. Little did I know  the beauty that was lying ahead of me that year. In the end, 2016 marked

Nigeria @63:Happy independence?

At the age of 63, she was yet to decide what she actually wanted, No guiding principles Everyone fighting to inherit her wealth so as to intimidate and shine and rule others. Her children, because of her ways of leadership chose their own part of life and absolutely no one's stopping them. Aside watching the horror displayed by the kids, their Mum has little or nothing to say to change their minds except acting right. Right now it's nothing short of chaos. We're at the brink of another strike and the government is going out their business. Nigeria is 63years old but what do we have to show for it?  Leaders who believe it's their prerogative to rule just simply because they choose or it's their turn ? Right now it would seem like we traded our colonial masters, to become blind sided and more enslaved by the ones we called brothers. 63 years clueless No basic amenities 63 years still ruled by young men who are  controlled by their greed. Minimum years, min