I understand when people say they need help but you see me, I've had too many bad experiences watching those who came to live to live with my parents while growing up. It's from living with them I understood when the Bible said the heart of men are desperately wicked. Ahhhhh don't go the route of 'if you treat them nicely...' My Dad gave anyone living with us preferential treatments; paid their fees first, bought their textbook first, Christmas clothes and shoes nkor? He bought theirs first. Yet, there were those who stolen from us, sold our stuffs, got pregnant and tried to frame someone up, how about the one that but t our house and ran off? If not for heaven sent neighbours back then, we'd have all burnt to death. Today the news of a 14year old is online. She, alongside her two friends, went and killed the lady who she was staying with for just three weeks. The deceased was a lecturer of FUT Minna, and three weeks into living with the help, could...