
Sir/Ma, Do you know that it's not everyone telling you stuffs that need advice? Some come to talk to you just to vent cos they don't have an outlet Some talk because they're looking for solution Some talk cos it's an opportunity to stylishly brag without saying it directly While others use the guise of seeking advice to wash their dirty linens or spill what they know about others. Had a live experience in the office. A lady who's newly employed came to another lady who's been in the company for years to get some work related advice. The more the lady tried to give the advice the more the other one told her of several properties she had where she was coming from, her goals, accomplishments and all. Mind you this wasn't the first person she was meeting in the office for same 'advice,' It didn't take much to know she was looking for a chance to brag to everyone. Before you waste your saliva and resources trying to help. Look at the perso...